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Posts posted by Phillyhouse

  1. First post!   Xbox player here,

    I've been hopping around N12/M12 most of the long weekend with some xbox mates, although another website (Atlas Gamepedia Wiki) lists neither N12/M12 as having gemstones, though we found rubies on both the single islands we chose to make homes on in those regions, yesterday, we've ventured further south into the tundra and are now looking for gems in another area.  Are gems considered a primary resource and found on every island or at least guaranteed to be on one island per sector?  The actual sector we're in (secret) doesn't seem to have any so far, after finding every other conceivable primary (including salts) resource.  We've checked roughly 80-90% of 2 of the 3 islands so far and we'll continue to search, but are gems so scarce???

    Thanks for any advice, for gem farming, we're just friendly guys used to getting destroyed like we do in Ark or Conan, except you can't permanently kill a cockroach, so we're best to just let be and help you out, we're the fellow backrubbers in a prison jail shower, instead of the usual soap dropper stalkers. 



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