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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2022 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I’ve been doing research for information on human breeding and there doesn’t seem to be a very clear answer on whether or not it will be added. I’m assuming it’s not going be, it was last mentioned in 2018 in forums and no one returned to it. I want to state how interesting it would be to not only have the option to simply visit the “Fountain of Youth” to revert from 100 years old to 20 again, but to also have the choice as a player M/F character to have a child with an NPC or other player so that I may continue my legacy. I could imagine that if it were two players having children then it would come out as two kids, 1 for each player, and if it’s with an NPC then it’ll just be 1 child. Also be able to make the human NPCs have offspring in general would add so many more different RP aspects to the game. (that’s just my opinion, what do you all think?)
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