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Incompatibilties/structural 'snap' rules between Large Stone Walls & Common Stone pieces

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This may be not so much a bug as a suggestion.

 The mechanics of making normal standard stone pieces (or any mat type) fit and snap to Large Stone Wall pieces can be difficult to solve & ultimately frustrating. Even though the artwork makes it appear the (for example ceiling) pieces may be snapping to the LSW,  the build rules ignore the LSW entirely (apparently) and always require a supporting standard piece to satisfy the 3 tile out 'anchor' requirements. So even though there's this massive 12X2X10 LSW you still have to add sometimes ugly and inconvenient additional std wall/post pieces down to some floor piece just to be able to continue a project.

The LSW artwork and snap mechanics need a makeover so they work fluently with other structural pieces and stop ignoring each other's positional existences.

Edited by Leopold

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