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Get your improved controller support right here!

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The built-in controller support is nice but lacks quite a bit of functionality. I've been tinkering with a Steam configuration that fills those gaps, here's what's on offer from the above link:

Improved sprinting - Click and hold the left stick briefly to run, let go of the stick to stop running, no second click needed to toggle running off.

Lock on - Click the left stick to lock onto creatures/players.

Improved inventory management - Double tap B twice to enable KB/M controls. Left stick moves the cursor, L and R triggers are L and R click respectively, holding R trigger over an item transfers the stack, holding L trigger drops items on the ground. Double tap B again to get back to default controls. If you exit inventory, but the controls are wonky (left stick looks around instead of moving your character), double tap B again to return to the default controls. Due to the way the game handles KB/M/Controller functionality in the inventory screen, some functions can only be used when KB/M is active (transferring/dropping stacks), while splitting stacks is only usable with KB/M controls off.

Improved map controls - Using the controller to open/close the map shifts to map controls/default controls. L and R bumpers zoom the map, right stick click sets a new compass bearing, pressing B clears the current compass bearing. Y should drop a map marker, but this doesn't seem to work, it may be bugged, need to sort this still.

Radial menu for F1 - F10 - Hold up on the d-pad, while holding up rotate the right stick to choose the option you want, release up on the d-pad to select that option.

Toggle hud on/off - Press and hold the start button to toggle the hud on/off.

Third person view - Double tap the start button to enter third person view.

I'm still pretty new to the game, am I missing any major functionality that should be added to the controller?



Edited by Humdinger
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