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Tarrot skill: Voodoo posession

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Voodoo Posession:
Allows one to create a Voodoo doll of an npc. If you use this doll,  you replace the npc, for strangers, it gives a minimalistic right to the company (such as opening non-pincoded doors, fireing cannons, opening non-locked containeers). The only way to break this replacement, is to kill the npc. Voodoo dolls are soulbound, meaning it will always travel in the inventory if someone dies, so the holder will have it when they respawn. In case of a possessed npc, it travels to the player on respawn, since that npc's soul is replaced by the player's soul.
Voodoo magic is dark magic. Basicly this replacement will cost the life of that npc (thats the only way to go back to original form, and lose the access rights to the npc's company).
If you for example give a friendly but invidual people a voodo doll, he/she can join you in your voyage. He can spawn on your ship once, replace that npc, have the gear of the npc, and use ship parts like cannons, containeers, helm, etc. It's like a party system. However, once that npc dies, the one possessing the npc lose the rights, and can only respawn on their own property.
Giving a voodoo doll to a possessed body would transfer that doll to the respawned player when he die, so they might rejoin on a different npc.
Basicly it would be a token based respawn system for inviduals not belonging to your company, what you can give to them to join/help you on a voyage.

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