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soooooo.... whats being done about this.....Chinese hacking again

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so tell us....what is being done about this chinese ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t?! what devs willingly allow ppl to cheat the living hell out of their game in this way and be ok with it and not say a peep about it?!

You said you learned your lesson from ARK....but did you really??? There are easy fixes for this whol fiasco but you seem like your being ignorant of the situation and the dire need that it's in.

you said you wanted to communicate and interact better....and have you been doing that? 

there are countless threads asking about whats being done to address all the hacking, exploiting and cat ♥♥♥♥ery thats going on steam and you say nothing... 

what pisses me off the most is that for one its nearly impossible to find land to build on and when we finally do find land its over run by chinese in no time at all. You cant fight them because they're aimbotting, speed hacking and teleporting and spamming all kinds of nonsense that would get any other normal player banned for life. 

your killing your own  game and whats worse is you dont seem to give a♥♥♥♥♥♥ To spend countless hours looking for land, then countless hours building...to only have chinese teleport inside the walls and destroy everything because they cant be killed is  STUPID... do something about this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t already  before there is noone bothering to help you test anything

There is no point to build anytihng or do anything because the moment you log off the chinese swing by and destroy everything. I dont mind loosing everything in a fair fight but when its done with nothing but hacks when only one or two ppl are on is utteer  ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t. Sorry if this post sounds irate but i can imagine alot of ppl feel this way....something needs to be done about all this hacking... otherwise the official servers will be over run with nothing but chineese hacks .... SMH.

sorry if my post offends anyone i apologize now i mnean no disrespect but something really has to be done abou t all of this... you want us to form governments and have politics....but its not working out the way that you intended.

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