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Some (mainly PVE) Suggestions

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So after playing for a cupple of hours (>150) I fell like i am on the point of writing down some of my Suggestions.

#1 Make SoD a very rare, very hard event.

At the moment you either get frustrated without propper guns because you have no chance, or you can easily farm them. Both scenarios are not good for the longterm inho. A "ghostship" should be rare an imensly hard to fight. perhaps you put one special on each server and they apear randomly. Thy should be neutral or at least have a very smal aggrorange so that they yould be avoided. If you take one down, the loot can be good. As there are not many of them, this would be ok and every single time a triumph.

#2 Attackable Tradeships

Add Tradeships, that can be attacked. So you now really can be a pirate on the Sea. They could perhaps Travel from island to island and also should be propper defended that there is no easy loot.

#3 Add "The Navy"

They also should be neutral on the sea, as long, as you are no pirate. You get a pirate by ...

#4 Reputation

Your Reputation (or perhaps the Reputation of a Ship or Company) is affected by wether you attack Tradeships or sink by the time you don't. So if you are a pirate, you'll have new enemies on the sea, that where equal to the actual SoD.

#5 Claimingsystem

With the upcoming changes in v10 there are some improvements. First of all you will be able to build a town with other companies and because of this Ressourcespawning should be way better. And of course the lack of space is way smaller than now. What urgly needs to be changed is, that on PVE servers an active Flag should not be claimable. With active i mean that a player of the owning crew crossed the area in the last 3 days for example. So it would be possible to make a tour with all of your crew without the need of fasttraveling every half an hour because someone tries to steal your hole base.

#6 Topography

make the water around islands much more shallow. it should be possible to build something like a harbour. at the moment you need to be lucky to make a small landingstage, but mainly the bottom falls down way to rapidly.

#7 Ressource respawn

Lower the distance on Foundations and buildings where they prevent ressourcerespawn. At the Moment there are Islands with near to no more nodes in some areas.

#8 Be a tradeship yourself

I kno you announced, that players will make the world, but there should be some realiable possibilities of beeing a trader. Eather you produce something and sell it in an harbour to an npc or you are payed for transporting ressources from a to b. 


That are some of the points coming to my head. Not all, but the ones i think would make the PVE experience way more interessting and diversified.

Your thoughts?

Regards Don

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