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Closed Company  ·  21 members


Closed Company

This is a closed company, meaning only members of the company can see content within it.

About This Company

Ape is recruiting! We are an Australian based company looking to for new members ready to join the crew. We are looking for active players who are keen and ready to progress and dominate! Company Info: - PVP priority with occasional PVE. - Ark experience is preferred, but not required. - Toxic players will be removed. Discord: https://discord.gg/tufXQkg - Add: [Ape]Montana#0021 or Saddistic - Gav#0627 for further details. Prepare to set sail, with Australia's deadliest company!

About This Company

Ape is recruiting! We are an Australian based company looking to for new members ready to join the crew. We are looking for active players who are keen and ready to progress and dominate! Company Info: - PVP priority with occasional PVE. - Ark experience is preferred, but not required. - Toxic players will be removed. Discord: https://discord.gg/tufXQkg - Add: [Ape]Montana#0021 or Saddistic - Gav#0627 for further details. Prepare to set sail, with Australia's deadliest company!

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