NED (Netherlands 11th Division) is a Dutch-speaking Online Multigaming clan created from the Elite Force Countries Eurocup Competition.
Around 1998, the Dutch top of Elite Force players was divided over the then top ten international clans. Under the leadership of Deviant and Willebil, they met in the National team during the EF-Eurocompetition in mid-2000. The team was briefly indicated with NED. After taking part with a large ladder, the team got the taste and organized themselves within NED-Clan. The mutual contacts strengthened and what followed was a close-knit club of Dutch-speaking online gamers who visited each other on the internet, real life and during self-organized LAN parties. This group also grew and explored other First Person Shooters together. In mid-2003, the Autumn LAN decided to switch to the game of that moment: RtcW: Enemy Territory, which heralded heyday for NED. With top 10 rankings in the ClanBase ladders of the Benelux and a big top 100 ranking in Europe for the various competitions, the clan not only grew into a serious player within the scene but also in size. Squads within other games were organized and so besides Elite Force and Enemy Territory squads for World of Warcraft, EVE-Online, Heroes or Newearth, League of Legends, Guildwars, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty. Although EVE-Online was the only time to survive, it was characteristic of the multi-gaming culture that had developed within the clan. Nowadays NED-clan is mainly active within EVE-Online, League of Legends, Battlefield and Dayz. Each of the portals has its own squad which takes on operational management for the game concerned. Together we use the website, game and voice servers which are self-managed. The squads are characterized by professionalism, cooperation and the focus on the fun of gaming.