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About CptPaddel

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  1. and i tell it again. I want destroy the work from other player. but i will destroy the bed with the fondation. it stays befor i get the island. and the decaytimer is done but we cant destroy this and this is the point to raze the island. All other tribes say "its ok raze it, we can build new if u help us" and i say "NP we help u to build it new and i delet the tax in this time" the bed+fondation block the place to expand other sattlements and this is a problem. other settlement havnt the chance to build coz single ressorcebox, single feeding trough or this single fondation with bed.
  2. I want destroy the work from other ppl, but i will destroy ONE fondation with ONE Bed....after the Decay time U CANT DESTROY IT !! .... so thats the point ... u cant destroy a SINGLE feeding trough or a single Rescourcebox the Timer on it is 30 DAYS !!! fcking 30 DAYS and the player are not active or whatever. it would be nice if it works. Thats an answer from a guy on a lawless island. we r one of the biggest Germantribe and we know what we do. But this isnt ok for every Islandowner on PVE. So i came to ur island and plant a fondation with a bed, and after the decaytime u cant destroy it. so pls mor PPL for MIMIMI
  3. hey buddys, we got a problem with clearing the island on PVE. We claim an island on PVE and we will raze them, we wait 2 days and after the 2 days we cant clear it. the other ppl on this island are accept the decision to clear the islan. And now ? We wait fcking 48h and we cant clear the fcking island coz any fcking childs crying a fcking river. We all spend over 1500h in this game, we play prewipe and now, we r a tribe wit over 30 ppl and we cant clear a fcking island for our tribe for 25k Gold. We r ready to pay 100k for this feature but we cant clear this fcking island coz any fcking kid is crying!!!!! .... so bring a solution for this problem , u can bring it on PVP, why u cant bring it for PVE ??? we need the place and we pay everyting. So i ecuse my rage and my expressions. I enjoy an answere !!! BTW im waiting for our hats greetings CptPaddel
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