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Everything posted by RiverRat

  1. I can join PVP but it will not allow me to connect to the PVE server. Anyone else having issues today?
  2. A thing to remember, Gun ports reduce the weight of cannons when closed !
  3. Freeports do not give you discovery point now!
  4. Thank you for the X2 guys, better late than never! It is appreciated!
  5. Would like to have the answer to this as well!
  6. I learned some time ago with this company, never expect the expected brah!
  7. Just wandered had there been a time for when the 8th patch goes live?
  8. NAPVE. Same here in B4 NE Island. North shore, we have have built quit the city on that side of the island. 5 players.
  9. My point is I am following all these post, but I was wondering about some kind of response from the Dev's about what is going on.
  10. Wow you guys are very toxic and cant take a joke...….sheeze!!
  11. Wow.....thank you for that quick and informative response, I feel much better now!
  12. Can we just get an update on what is going on?
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