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Everything posted by archaegeo

  1. Yeah, put an NPC on the elevator and it works great. Now lining it up can be a nightmare.
  2. @Realist And just to prove you wrong, they added more back end anti-cheat and hack detection last night. Stop being a pessimist and let them develop the game. Its hard prior to EA to know all the ways people will try to cheat.
  3. No, just no. We already have "battlesloops" sailing about that if they were ever in sea state 2 would tip over and sink. Its out of control already when you can put anything you want on a schooner. People should have to make choices.
  4. Did you submit video proof via the report link or are you just making baseless accusations here to troll and spread hate and discontent? Im not saying they didnt aimbot/wall hack, but submit proof via ticket and move on. They are fixing exploits daily.
  5. Yeah, ive never seen anyone using a catapault Ive seen streamers killing monster whales with 2 ballista on the back of a sloop though.
  6. Go to https://atlascalculator.com/ it works really well and has the default values
  7. NPC's will only repair if the ship is at anchor and they are assigned to no position (and materials in the Ship Resources chest). But yeah, other players woulda helped
  8. The bigger thing that would help cooking be more popular is the fact its easier to die to reset food/vitamins rather than cook to keep alive.
  9. No, like you wouldnt hear their swimming noises And while they are at it, can we make turtles NOT sound like crocs?
  10. DarksideRP has a 5x5 grid, 100 players max per grid, tons of folks on it. But it does require RP and has strict RP PvP engagement rules. But yeah, im sure you checked all 2800 private servers, especially since you cant see a servers total population even if you look at its spawnable homeports. All you can see is the population of the grids you can spawn into.
  11. I know you can do things like mount a large cannon on a sloop wood ceiling platform if you want, so that brings me to ask: Is there any good artillery + ammo combo (swivel + canister - what is canister shot anyway?) that would be good for clearing wolves/crocs/etc off beaches? I was considering the ballista turret, since ive seen them used for hunting the whales, but do they work well on smaller prey?
  12. Hehe @boomervoncannon Wait, there is no suggestions forum?
  13. Right, there is no firm indication of when its kicked in or by how much.
  14. Eve also has 13 YEARS on Atlas to fine tune their systems, and in all honesty, the solo experience didnt truly get mechanics support till about 4 years ago. Meanwhile Atlas is not even released for another 2 years. And you can operate solo in Atlas, its just super risky cause there are no hand holding high sec zones with NPC ships that will get revenge if you get killed in them. Some unofficials defintely do, but again, there are 2800 listed, so you have to find the gems in the manure.
  15. It would really help visually. I know we can rename the locker, and I know it can go on wall above the locker, but that means building a wall above the locker. Just seems like you should be able to stick the wall signs to the lockers (Please move this to suggestions forum, cant delete)
  16. I THINK any server you play on is Favorited automatically. Exit the game, restart the game, choose Join New World, change it from Official to Favorite. (Again, you cant take that character to a new world if that is what you are asking)
  17. @LaiTash please point out to me a single full PvP MMO where the zerg companies do not rule? Even eve online is rules by mega corporations. Sure the solo player in Eve can have fun in hi-sec, and stick their necks out in low sec, but you can sorta do that here now, and im sure there will be more massaging of the system in the 2 years to come before release.
  18. Weight sails add to max weight, so its still 65% of max weight. (im not sure 65% is the exact number, there is no indication of when it starts to slow till you notice it)
  19. DarksideRP currently has a 5x5 grid of which 16 squares are "public", the other 9 squares are restricted to proven RP'ers. Of course you must RP to play there, even in the public 16 squares, but its a lot of fun and the RP rules really make PvP what it should be imho. And its 100 people per server, so thats a capacity of 2500
  20. Havent tested that, but who knows, if it does stack i would be in the future it would not. We have one ship with 5.4 accomodation level, and we store all of our NPCs on it when not at sea cause then its 1g ever 2.5 hours.
  21. You cant tame on Dungeon islands I didnt think, pretty sure Power Stone islands count for that. That being said, older ones are more rare, but definitely desirable given the 30+wild level = max level mechanic.
  22. You can, ive lived in lawless before, and on pvp, but yeah, its a huge risk without the claim feature.
  23. No When you start atlas and select the server, down in bottom right is a favorite button Then when you restart atlas next time (or want to change servers) when you click Join New Atlas, you can change the search from Official to Favorites (you can even have officials on your favorites list)
  24. I agree that claiming needs a limit, especially on PvE, but they addressed it some by the new allow building on my claim feature. That being said, one underlying problem they cant fix is people thinking they should be able to claim a spot just because they want it, regardless that someone else wanted it before them
  25. You definitely can, just make the servers you play on favorites Then you can list favorites and Join New World, if you are joining one you have been in before you join where you last were.
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