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Everything posted by Daveroe

  1. I may me hated for saying this, but we had a small pirate company fir a while where we would pvp a lot. We also changed names a lot to avoid people finding our small base. But a few times we did pit big companys against each other by attacking under other's names. It was hilarious to us to see one group of ships sail to attack another company because of us. And to be honest this is quite in line with pirate behaviour. I think maybe a 12 hour cool down at max is good, also if a player is killed or kills it shows their name in the log, so is easy to ask the company about the player. . . If you kill them that was always the challenge for us, to keep it stealthy
  2. If it's old, then quit hanging around in the games fourm spreadind discontent, move on and play something else. Stop waisting our time by posting your meaningles babble
  3. And dont worry about waiting longer guys the devs are doing good work, we can be safe in the knowledge they are spending time wisely "More realistic old age wrinkles"
  4. I'm sure this list has been edited, or am I wrong. Also it now says patch date is the 11th of April.
  5. I would like to see slightly less damage from motors, to get 2 shot on a schooner kinda sux
  6. I suggest the last pirate skill to allow you to sail any boat not in anchor at half speed. The owner can still see the boat on the map and the long capture times still stand. That or just buff the pirate skill so you dont activate it just always decreases capture time while on a ship. Also make it so you can log off on an enemy ship and continue capturing,
  7. Step 1, buy a copy on your own 2nd account. Step 2, give this guy access to the account, Step 3, make him farm in game for you to keep accessing the account. Congratulations your on your way to being an overlord
  8. i have tried streaming using OBS and you have to relay turn down the settings to get it to run smooth on the stream. maybe is one reason its not so popular to stream or make videos
  9. just wondering this. has anyone tried?
  10. I would like to see an option to dry dock our ships. a simple mechanic where you sail your ship into the matching shipyard and have an option to Dry Dock. this would put the ship back into the state before it was launched. maybe this mechanic would require a few materials. maybe it could require a bit of time (for example 1 hour and 1000 wood) this would reduce frustrations of offline ship sinking, and if someone relay wanted to sink the ship they could invest the large requirement of destroying the shipyard. with this option we could think about taking away the buff of ships when anchored. as an offline ship sinker myself i know how much easier it is to sink a ship to get the to the loot boxes than it is to break into it. dry docks might help with peoples frustration and rage game quiting.
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