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About ShivanQueen

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  1. @Jatheish Firstly I agree with the top posts of this thread already and they've pretty much hit all of the marks. There are some things I haven't seen others type though, but I only read the first page with the top posts so they may have already been posted before: Vultures are pathetic and a nuisance (this has been written about already but I have such a strong dislike for them that I need to vent). Not only are they useless as a tame, they quite often screw you over when you're taming. OH LOOK a low health creature that's weak and trapped... let's kill it! I get that this is VERY realistic but good lord I'm kept on my toes when trying to tame something that's already hard enough to tame as it is, trying to keep my eyes and ears peeled for those pesky twots... Also, their attack/movement animation is so fast and glitchy they're quite often impossible to target unless miraculously trapped between something or you're on a mount. EDIT: During taming I haven't noticed any Vultures attacking in the middle of it, so perhaps this got fixed? Or I got lucky. Cows should be rideable like sheep and should be able to be fed Thatch after tamed. When successfully taming a Cow it should not read 'Tamed a Bull' - I believe this is the reason when breeding we always get Bulls and never Cows. Sheep should give Fibre when shorn as wool is not a Hide or skin, it is a Fibre used for making warm clothes and padding cushions for softness. Bears are really great, but my biggest problem is that they collide with floor foundations so easily and get stuck on them, especially in mountainous areas where people are spamming foundations in Lawless regions. They can't jump and this is fine, but getting stuck on foundations, trees and rocks/structures is frustrating, especially when you think you've made your way around it only to be rubber banded back to the original point. Ostriches are fantastic and yet I see people diss them so much! I understand that on PVP they are sorely limited, but I love their run speed, how easily they traverse over small objects (unlike the bear getting stuck on everything) and their jump is awesome. The only thing I would say about them is perhaps increase their tamed attack speed and give them some special skill like a super run speed boost and perhaps able to gather a bit more thatch like a stone pick axe. As these creatures quite often come together in a flock/group, giving them a sort of pack buff could be beneficial as well but not necessary, it just makes sense. Wolves are useless. They run out of stamina incredibly quickly, they have low health, low attack and apparently can't even chomp through a Crocodile's face (as mentioned below), nor attack a Cobra (as mentioned below) without doing circles and clipping through. The cold buff is pointless when the mount is so weak and has such a low carry weight, it's just not worth taming. Its only perk is that it has a very fast attack speed, but it's not even really a perk because everything else is so bad. It howls but that doesn't even do anything... I'd suggest, if they're going to have a Howl, that it gives a temporary buff to all other tamed Wolves in your vicinity, or rallies them to attack your target. A pack buff for these creatures makes the most sense out of everything as well, but I understand that could potentially become quickly overused and overpowered. Horses realistically should be a passive tame that run away if you get too close, like the Rabbit and Monkey. It makes no sense to have to beat down a passive animal and bola it when you could just go up to it, pet it and feed it until it befriends you, the catch being that, as in the wild, you would have to be very cautious with a horse, lest it be spooked and run away. If I wanted to be technical I would figure out a way to introduce Lassoing via a timed mini-game/mechanic. Why are Lions even more useless than wolves? And they're Tier 3 tames? Lions are huge, fast and powerful creatures! Increase their tamed base attack damage, make their right click usable only on creatures the same size or smaller than themselves and increase their base health to at least 300. A tier 3 tame weaker than a tier 2 tame that's already weak... this makes 0 sense as it currently is. The Rabbit enemy awareness mechanic is next to useless, reducing the tame to a cuddly toy. A speed buff, as suggested by many others, or a luck buff would be nicer, or at least a more visible/audible warning when it detects dangerous creatures than is currently in play. Breeding is far too punishing as it is now. I turned my back for 5 minutes and my little babby was dead as a door nail on the floor... Having to sit at your computer for 8+ hours straight while this thing matures is way too much. I'd suggest increasing the baby's food carry limit from 5 or slowing down its health loss. Also, shouldn't it just be able to drink its mother's milk or Cow's milk? Honestly I would just redesign the current breeding mechanic entirely. The baby should be kept close to its mother at all times during its growth, up to a certain point, and it should be able to feed from its mother. The mother in turn would lose hunger at an increased rate and perhaps have her Torpor slowly drain, meaning she needs to rest more often until the baby is matured. Tames that lay eggs, such as Ostriches, you could have an Incubator Crate, stuffed with straw/fibres or, again, just have it close to the parents to keep it 'warm'. These aren't tamable creatures below (though it would be cool to ride a Croco for fast water travel!) but they're creatures and these issues have been putting me off playing recently: The Cobra hit box and collision is ridiculous and overly frustrating. When fighting a Cobra (unless you're on an Elephant) it is quite often infuriating; it circles around you, clips through you, looks like it's in range of your attack but is apparently untargettable... this makes Alpha Cobras really scary and I just cannot be bothered wasting time with it unless I'm on a very high level Bear or Elephant. Alpha Cobras also currently have a nasty habit of spawning inside my pens and killing my tames when I'm offline - this is further worsened by the fact that they are so hard to target and clip through things. I'm certain that most tames end up dying to this creature purely because of the shitty targetting/hitbox that it has. I also can't remount a tame if I'm knocked off or unmounted when a Cobra starts attacking - its visual interaction box/hit box is just so weird and 'in the way' that the 'Ride/Inventory' option doesn't appear until the Cobra is lured away or its body dragged away when dead. The Crocodile also has a shitty hitbox but nowhere near as bad as the Cobra. When trying to target it with smaller tames likes Wolves and sometimes Ostriches, you're literally smacking or chomping its face off and it does nothing. You try to run to its side and bite its ribcage but it just rubber bands you back to where you were or teleports around you. I think, long story short, you should be able to smack at its head/face and deal damage without issues, no matter the mount or weapon. Alphas: Currently still spawning way too much in certain biomes. I saw 5 Alpha Cobras the other day in B6, on Blaincier Island, within the space of an hour. I also saw multiple other Alphas all dotted around from various species within that hour. Cobras are a pain in the ass with their hit box and clipping issues. Lions are so strong and terrifying because you can't mount up and take it on without being knocked off and if you try to go against it with a larger mount like an Elephant, it will just run circles around you and eventually kill your mount - the only way I managed to kill one the other day was to get it trapped in the corner of my base while it ran in to the wall and I continuously knocked it forward with my Elephant, or to bring an army of Bears. Everything should be tamable (I know this is already being worked on but finding out I couldn't make a Chocobo farm was really disappointing XD) The jump from Small gate to Large is ridiculous. I know it's been said already but I'll up it again by saying there needs to be a Medium gate in between.
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