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About skeev_

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  1. i think, elephant does not needed additional seats. I never used this feature
  2. maybe breeding fix? - please enable breeding for all tameable creatures, except dino's - please add coolers for breeding. why we can breed only in cold grids? - why child of tamed bears in tundra is freezing? it is annoying - fix breed issue, that child dies when new patch has been installed. i lost few childs because of it - maybe reduce breed time? t1 - 16h, its ok. t2 - 48 - it is not okay. by your logic, t3 child (which cant breed now) breeds 96h, realy? with a lot of current issues it is impossible - fix issue, when childs dont want eats from iventory and from food feeder. even when you press E at his inventory
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