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Everything posted by FindingNemo

  1. Honestly the pvp is kinda broke in this game. First off the guns... second off the 2 weeks free of aim bot. 3rdly its too easy to raid once your base is destroyed. We were almost entirely wiped and we still were able to tame bears and raid every night. Just a stop of one of the many free ports with crystal, gems, sulfur, and one two times woot. and then sail you ramshackel sloop to destination and blow up all their boats... Wash and repeat with a lot of time on you hands 5 days later whatever said island is wiped.
  2. Yeah you might be right, but the dev's didn't see battle metrics as a flaw. Even if they did you have to realize, ark is maybe one of the most played games on steam.. But they had 5 years to perfect the game, and 123 is still very much a thing. Most people if they live in large tribes don't care about 123. The game has a hard time allowing a solo or duo player to get a head. I think you are more upset that there isn't offline protection and that stone walls are not harder to get though. The old leader of bldx never changed his steam name to 123. He just didn't need to.
  3. Ive thought about pve.. or unofficial just to experience the game a bit more.
  4. Bro first off it does take some skill to track someone, i mean guys i my tribe went so far as to find people's mac address and ip's. The fact of the point is that battle metrics isn't going any where and arguing over a pointless unchangeable fact is well pointless. I mean it sucks that florida is going under water... should we say it really sucks a lot maybe write a book about it? OR just realize its going under water and think about ways to work with it? Maybe lower green house emissions. But there is a web site and battle metrics isn't the only one. Top ark or top atlas servers allow some tracking as well. You can either change your steam url and name or get raided. There is gravity we don't project through space at 32 feet per second and the world is not flat.
  5. I'm only replying cause i'm trying to give up ark and atlas and i guess a day of threads is entertaining me for now.. these games can be sooo addicting..
  6. Or is the problem there is no offline protection so you can't be around when they show up? Is the pvp you are trying to avoid?
  7. You guys are just mad to be mad. First off its a game not real life. Second off, you still raided someone.. And even in games we don't live in a world of no consequences. Just want to get this straight.. you want to sail a few squares away cause i know you didn't sail across the map.. And then raid a wood hut... And kill some chickens... Then you get upset when someone tracks you down and blows up your even smaller shack and your two sloops is that the problem?
  8. Didn't know they had computers back in the pirate days either. Should we be playing this game with sticks and rocks? And you can bet there is a text message that goes off some place if a Russian air craft or boat enters usa territory.
  9. Well i can see you are not letting this go. And i have lots of time on my hands. If people are upset about the realism of the game its only a compliment to the devs. We have bounty hunters in real life and face book is the battle metrics of life. You can hide from battle metrics with a few simple tricks. If you are going to raid and are unaware of these tricks and get raided back.. Well its not really battle metrics fault is it?
  10. Its ironic i can track all your posts on this web site like i can track you in battle metrics lol... I would agree aim botting needs to be a harsh penalty. I try to stream any aim botting and make a record of their steam ID. I then make a report to ATLAS. If they do not ban that steam id according to their hacking software and the bill of rights in the game... They are really dropping the ball. I have no tolerance for this type of cheating.
  11. I guess i have a low tolerance for the subject cause i played ark and it was there too so i just see it as a fact of life. Sorry if i stepped on your toes landlubber.
  12. So this is a bit off topic.. But I also think atlas and ark is about statistics.. I don't know if they care about game play or not.. i mean i really think they are just collecting data. I'm sure they are aware of the 123 issue and probably use it some how to track how many people play these games idk. It didn't seem to stop people from buying 7 million copies of ark.
  13. I mean good luck getting steam to shutdown a web site that they even have a premium account that you can pay money to have... I find your post more rational than the cry baby prior but still.. its something we can't change so we have to work with it. You can change your steam url and change your name to 123 and they will never be able to see your steam id and track you. wasn't really pointing you out of the crowd but if you feel that way, not my problem.
  14. Atlas and ark are not for people that are weak mentally.
  15. Not only not having a way of attacking back, but you might raid some other dude out of frustration... When you coulda just attacked that guy that raided you in the first place.. The battle metrix system if you are willing to use it.. Allows for retaliation, and revenge. These are all emotions one likes to satisfy after being raided.
  16. if you have an issue with your friends list "hit manage" on your buddies name and create a "nick name." These are all kinda trivial issues. Not being able to tell who your friends are in your friends list.. Come on guys who thinks its fair to lose all our stuff and then have no way of attacking back?
  17. A game without consequences in a game that is made to be somewhat like reality wouldn't be very true to it self.
  18. Steam owns battle metrix In ark if there were no battle metrix there was no hitting someone back. You probably would make the argument that ark was a shit game cause you could be attacked and then couldn't attack back. Just play the game, if you raid someone know you could be raided back. Its pretty simple.
  19. Now I personally think this is super scummy and borderline cheating but apparently it is allowed at the moment. That being said I understand using every advantage to accomplish the mission but this is something that I think is complete trash and will ruin the game. I have spent hours tracking down my opponents the legit way. its kinda scummy to raid someones base... We all have to be fine with being scummy to play this game or we have to play pve. The tracking isn't the problem.
  20. I've had about enough of this topic. If you want to go raid others and not be hit back, you are a coward. Who cares if the same people found you and hit back, as opposed to having a new crew come and attack you? My squad has whined about https://www.battlemetrics.com/ all week. And you know why? Cause they are ruthless raiders, not only that they will belittle your person, your voice, and your way of life. People that raid are looking to take something that is not farmed by them and make it theirs. Look raiding is part of the game, but life is life is life. You take something from someone else karma is a bitch, get over it.
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