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About Grogob

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  1. Ooooooh noooo I intended from the beginning of the game to play it for the rest of my life..... With this mentality don't start farming/grinding/playing a game since one day you'll stop playing it. Or you know play for enjoying the moment. Yeah it gonna be over in 3 weeks ? So fucking what ? Yes I wont try to breed a high end bear which gonna take me 2 month of farm. But there is plenty to do in this GAME which it seem to be remembered should only be played for having fun, so if you don't find any just quit and stop cry like a fucking guinea pig.
  2. They said it was temporary for the beginning of the new fresh server to prevent the lag festival it was on freeport the release day.
  3. Amen to that. IMO the only way to access that is to recruit some ingame mods and start punishing some garbage behavior, until then it will be FFA unfornately.
  4. On official ? So you know the best you can expect is the worst you can attend
  5. You never played Ark do you ? When you're at war, and for remember it's attrition war, even the Gandhi style landlord will have to choose between grabbing a high amount of ressources by raiding his settlers, or loosing hour of time cauz of a loss, since he is the on in charge of defending the island. Even that, if you start to build big, you start to being a threat to your landowner, that is a justification enough for a wipe. If the landowner plan to quit the game, he can go in a firework by wiping everything, there an incredible amount of situation that could cause a landlord to wipe you. This will be a typical situation of prisoner's dilemna. And if you're the one wanting to loose month of farm to learn if your landlord is trustable or not go ahead.
  6. I was going to create a thread of this exact same point. This is utterly bullshit. In the mind of which deep dumfuck retard this seems like a good idea ? In a game with such toxic community ? You take the ownership of an island, you take taxes, let people create bases, and a few month later you wipe them for ressources/bp/craft. And they can't do shit to defend themselves, like seriously. (Ps : Team Pain au chocolat !!!)
  7. We have four ballista on a schooner, and ponctually we can't reload them, even if they're fully repaired, and the ammo box is full of spearbolt. But for the moment, we totally can't reload them at all, we tried to repair them, the ammo box, put spearbolt in our inventory, in the inventory of the ballista, but nothing worked, so our ballista are useless.
  8. Well I had the issue, was trying to grappling hook a flotsam, got kicked with a message "blabla invalid token". Trying to reco, then Unable to query, reset the computer and now i can't even connect back to steam.
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