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Pchela Lesnaya

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Everything posted by Pchela Lesnaya

  1. Friend. I have been walking on one ship for several sectors for a week already, nobody has sunk my ship, I play as a loner, I walk on the schooner. But I agree, it is necessary to make the ship "unsinkable" whose owner is offline. At least a day
  2. The problem with most people who play is that they are not in the business, they build sullen boxes, boring bases, and sit like moles. This is a game about research, about the sea, about sea battles. You are cleaning the walls and hiding behind them! Developers have made so much content, and you are sitting on their bases. Are you afraid of losing? what? Build a schooner and go! to adventureThe problem with most people who play is that they are not in the business, they build sullen boxes, boring bases, and sit like moles. This is a game about research, about the sea, about sea battles. You are cleaning the walls and hiding behind them! Developers have made so much content, and you are sitting on their bases. Are you afraid of losing? what? Build a schooner and go! to adventure
  3. this is strange, but the winners did not receive their prizes for the contest from March.
  4. Hey, It looks like I won the last "Show 'N Tell" but I'm not sure how to proceed further with getting the prize. Could you provide some info on this please?
  5. 60% of the gameplay should be sea, sea trips, discovery of land, sea battles! Construction of all bases, fortresses, should be long enough! And then again millions of gates of giant walls and friezes together
  6. little submarine without quest kraken and fog of war should be (imho) (spirit of discovery and adventure)
  7. And it is very important to do something with a gate! Speaking again about the hardcore server, make the respawn resources slower so that they even had to be transported from other places or bought from merchants (players for example). And the gates themselves, for example, if they stand in water, they are gradually destroyed. Why the ship is rotting and the gate is not? all that stands in the water of the buildings, also rots. Let slowly but still
  8. when I launched the Atlas, I dreamed that I would now board the ship and go far where no man’s foot had gone. I was very surprised and saddened, everything is already built up and captured
  9. We just one more server hardcore! whithout fast travel! spirit of discovery and adventure with limit for calim flags! empty islands? - OK! it's will beter than shipyards everywhere! everywhere stupid gates gigants stone gates, i have friz and lags because of them! for why we have a sextant? we need serious server! And we need reputation system!
  10. my vot for "no fast travel" spirit of discovery
  11. I wann more than 256x256 for canvas Captain room
  12. Mate it's too early for you to draw people
  13. You will crucify me, but I would remove the opportunity to ride on predators. No tiger or lion will ride on horseback. Now this accumulation of animals, turns the romance of sailboats and piracy in addition to the ARC. People are building ugly boxes again and storing animals in them.
  14. Agree. i think damned ships looks like ghost ship maybe bones ship
  15. Same i travel in H2 and disconect cant join now
  16. Server online but why i can't join? Just kick me in 5 am and now i cant. I waited 2x and now nothing works. offensively
  17. I think they did the right thing, now the stone is more expensive! All sectors are crowded with idiotic gates, people set up blunt stone boxes, or dull high-rise buildings, as if in an arch, with guns at the top, which shoot through the entire map! I'm tired! you swim to the island and it all starts to render, the computer freezes, giant stone gates annoy! Remove the paste and iron? Well let them be removed, but the spawn of the stone should be less, and the stone itself is heavier. So slowly spawned, that would have to carry it and buy in other lands Try building a house like this, or a high wall.
  18. Я хочу больше вариантов для настройки внешнего вида, меньше «фантастики», больше типов шляп. Комзол, униформа. Просто почему-то катастрофически мало причесок. Кроме того, в дополнение к украшениям киля корабля, я хотел бы видеть украшения для стен корабля, лепнины или резьбы по дереву. Черепа, встроенные в дерево, скелеты или украшения (если не пираты)
  19. My Name is Denis Graysham Ivanov, i live in Russia and i like Atlas :)
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