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Tobias Slasher

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About Tobias Slasher

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  1. I have noticed that occasionally while using the climbing pick, with stamina and not encumbered, I will die spontaneously. The first time it happened I was climbing a cliff and thought maybe I hit a weird spot between two rock formations or something. It has now happened to me dozens of times. Every time it happens my dead body appears in a zone of the map very far from the one I'm in. The last time it happened I died in B1 and my body showed up on the map in E5. Needless to say the items on my body are lost every time this happens. It has also happened when climbing player built structures so I am not sure what causes it.
  2. I recently built a handful of masterwork canons and realizing I misplaced a few decided to pick them up and quickly replace them where they would fit better. When I picked them back up they all changed from masterwork back to common. Wondering if this happens with other blueprints and if anyone has experienced this before.
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