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About cryptolocker

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  1. I most certainly didn't make a post in mandarin or whatever you quoted there. no, but it is unlikely your stuff is still intact if you were solo and there was no one in your company to invite you back in. Probably raided/sunk by now.
  2. "we are continuing to investigate reports. It is a priority for the team. In the interim, we recommend creating a new character if you are still effected as we cannot restore them at the moment"
  3. I had 5 on the character i lost. I now have 8 on my new one.
  4. " In the interim, we recommend creating a new character if you are still effected as we cannot restore them at the moment." This is fairly clrear cut, I don't understand the confusion. I lost my character, and while I was salty about it, I reminded myself this is early access and moved on, and leveled my new character beyond what the first one was. It is really not that hard with these rates and doing a few treasure map runs/killing alphas.
  5. I lost my character when attempting to change my home server, just as the server upgrades to patch 11.2 start happening. This was AFTER lawless were removed as available home regions. I was not paying attention at first, but it was giving me lawless regions as options, and I ended up selecting F12 instead of E12. I later figured out this was because I had "Favorites" selected instead of "Official". I received the time out dialog, and upon relogging, got presented with the character customization screen. This came back no matter what I tried, which included restarting the game, rebooting computer, verifying files, selecting new home regions, logging into the PVE servers and back, and leaving it overnight to try again in the morning. I realized that I was able to see the global chat of f12 and talk as a "nomad", and that probably meant I was screwed, so i went ahead and made my character and it even let me spawn in F12, when i shouldn't of been able to.
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