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Everything posted by moerserman

  1. moerserman


    yes it is high time for a wipe
  2. moerserman


    It looks like we need a wipe, without a wipe it doesn't make sense for new players anymore
  3. I think it's all bad. I don't want to play PVP because it's not PVE yet.
  4. It cannot display letters such as: Ö ,, Ä ,, Ü, ß The solution is very simple, we use the old German, What every German knows Ö = oe, Ä = ae, Ü = ue, ß = ss then there are no more problems with Atlas
  5. I also ask myself, Why are palaces and castles built in the PVE? The same thing, why do you wall the flag? You can't leave it? this is PVE not PVP Do whole cities build on an official PVE server? Jesus Cristus why
  6. The same problem in B2 we need a wipe every 6 months. to solve the problem
  7. YES that definitely but the old map was bigger, better and, nicer .. with the climate zones and fewer errors
  8. I should have asked? How do I get that? And what do I have to do for it?
  9. The reason is that build bases that are too large The same problem was with Conan Exiles This year fancom decided that you can only build bases max. (Length10 X 10 Long X 5 Height blocks) Anyone who builds taller or taller will be banned This has ensured that the servers are now running very well and there are no loading problems When will Atlas introduce this?
  10. You find my shop on Expond Key in D4 Above left die island
  11. Search island to buy (15 - 56 gold) no bigger Offer via discord moerserman#5043 I would look forward to offers I'm in D4 now I am also happy if someone gives up his island and leaves it to me
  12. Search island to buy (15 - 56 gold) no bigger Offer via discord moerserman#5043 I would look forward to offers I'm in D4 now I am also happy if someone gives up his island and leaves it to me
  13. You have the same thing in D4 or A4, I say that is associative behavior. Why do some have 5-8 islands but don't use them? I say associative behavior. Such should be banned something should be reported and these people must be banned
  14. It's as simple as the answer 1. The map is now even smaller than before 2. There is no more free land to build 3. Some companies have 2 - 5 islands for themselves 4. The new map is illogical (the old map was logical, there was a north and south pole) 5. The climate zones no longer make sense 6. Collecting doesn't make sense anymore (mine, etc.) 7. The game was much more fun at the beginning than now 8. The whole thing is becoming more and more unplayable, one recognizes no more logic behind it 9. There is only one PVE server left (when will it be switched off?) I really ask myself that, then all PVE players are gone These are my thoughts on it, Once again paid money for nothing The game developers just do what they want
  15. @Zottel seit ihr PVE oder PVP Server ? Ich suche für PVE
  16. Ich sammel schon fleißig, glaube 9 müssen es sein wäre hätte Interesse mit zu machen ? Gerne auch erfahrene , die wissen was man mit den Steinen machen muss .
  17. Why look for when they offer! I am selling treasure cards 1/4 of the value of the card I have everyone from purple to green Treasure maps worth the 20k -200G where you can find me I11 Southernmost island
  18. There is no position for console ???
  19. where that is the post, with attitudes?
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