Nitrado also took 12 days to get 5/9 of my servers up. I had ordered the 1 server and loved it. This took maybe 10 minutes. I ordered 3 more a couple days later for a 2x2 grid. This took about 2-3 days IIRC. Then a few weeks later I order 5 more servers to make my grid a 3x3. I had to wait 12 days to get those servers after all tickets were never replied. Oh and btw if you ever decide to send in a ticket for atlas, good luck! Here is what pretty much every single one of my tickets response has been:
Hello Pathfinders,
Due to the high volume and range of Atlas tickets, we have compiled the
answers to the most frequent questions and concerns into one wiki article:
We hope that this answers your inquiry. If not, please reply to this ticket
and include a keyword (see link above) so our support team can be more
efficient when responding.