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Skinny T

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  1. For those of you who are using this to transcribe anything that crosses octaves, I found what works is to type the octave changes into the tool at delayatlas just like they're notes, then go back and move the octave change to occur while the prior note is still pressed. So this is what comes out of the tool: send {h down} sleep delayTime sleep delayTime send {h up} send {3 down} sleep delayTime send {3 up} send {s down} sleep delayTime sleep delayTime send {s up} And this is what I change it to to help speed octave changes: send {h up} send {h down} send {3 down} send {3 up} sleep delayTime sleep delayTime send {h up} send {s down} sleep delayTime sleep delayTime send {s up} Thanks to everyone who is working on this. I'm working on a request from my kids that will DEFINITELY irritate your crewmates, so standby. :)
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