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About Deviliath

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  1. That is correct. I wish I knew a setting or something. LOL
  2. I don't think you are understanding.....you know when you start up a server it tells you core count? Well....mine will only go to 20 even though I have 40. Yeah, I thought of that too.
  3. @Jatheish I have a quad socket 40 core 80 thread server. When I start up the maps, they only utilize 20 cores. That's all the startup log recognizes, and also confirmed being used in task manager. Is there a fix or a tweak to change this? I tried -useallavailablecores and that does not work. If there is no fix or settings to fix this, are you guys planning on furthering multi-core support in the future? Right now most of the rendering is dedicated to one core if I am not mistaken.
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