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Everything posted by Phanzor

  1. Yeah, their service just stopped responding at around that time. I am sure they are working to bring it back online.
  2. If you hold RBM and release once hovered over a target. Your NPCs will auto-fire upon that target when in view range.
  3. I can see it considered as exploiting if someone were to store tames on the free port so they dont lose them via raid or aoe. Though that doesn't seem to be an issue as people typically ship their tames to allies and such. Personally, I leave a bear at a free port to gather fiber. In the future they will likely reduce the claim timer.
  4. 05-17-2019 13:49PST Day 1037, 05:06:44 Something must have happened with the service they were using for the webhooks. Even tried using the webhook in another server to no avail.
  5. I experienced this last night actually. I was on the island and when i went threw the fake one it made it so i had xray in that area. Fking broken lmao
  6. I have witnessed this as well. Odd bug in its self.
  7. All materials placed in the drydock. Desired ship highlights blue. Required materials are green. but said not enough resources. This is the case with everyone in my company so far.
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