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Tina Toothpick

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Everything posted by Tina Toothpick

  1. Fast or slow, it would still be an annoyance. As someone else pointed out, the problem isn't how often you have to deal with it, but the task to deal with it itself.
  2. Please explain why you'd keep it as is? I just can't believe someone actually thinks that.. Are you a dev in disguise? Are you being paid? You want to keep the fountain a naked run through a cave that is blocked 90% of the time. Surrounded by enemies that fire homing attacks with an absurd agro radius? Resulting in having to rerun the cave sometimes in the 100s of times for some people (most giving up). All the while your character is held to ransom by a debuff, and potential perma death in the future? On top of that, it changes locations, and no one has figured out a solid time or pattern. .So you might just end up sailing for hours only to end up in the wrong place. Are you trying to kill this game, or are you just trolling?
  3. God no. That would be even worse than the current implementation... Of course, i should be assuming you're not serious.
  4. No, it isn't optional. Well, it is optional if you don't care about your character, or a debuff that completely gimps you, or your character looking ugly. So it isn't really optional. The options to cheat it are probably the worst game design i've ever seen; and it just makes you ask the question "what does an age mechanic bring to the game?". I suggest you ask yourself that. You're fascinated by it, but i suspect that might be due to not actually really thinking deep enough about what it actually is. I ask you this : what are you fascinated by?... It is just a bump map that progresses over a month; and a debuff for the final 10 years. WOOOW!!! So fascinating! I'd be much more fascinated by actually being able to keep my character looking the way i want them, and not having to partake in the torture that is the run for the FOY. Remove the mechanic, it isn't needed.
  5. A character should never age because it doesn't add anything interesting to the game.. Literally nothing Remove age altogether. I challenge any of you to tell me anything age actually brings to the core of the game; go ahead. You'll soon realize you're asking for a rework on a mechanic that is utterly meaningless, and provides nothing to the game. All it brings is annoyance and ugliness. Why would i want that over just enjoying the game? Why though? Actually tell me why you think this brings anything to the game? You're asking for reworks on a mechanic that only makes the game worse in whatever form. The best place for age is in the character creator.. It doesn't belong in the game.. I can't be bothered to deal with it over and over, and i'll just end up quitting if it is left it. It is a boring pointless hassle.
  6. Right... But WHY do you have to force people to do the quest? Really ask yourself that. We understand all of what you're saying, but it is all for a reason that is just arbitrary. Go here to that place just because. Other chores in the game actually lead you to being able to do things you want; you're building towards something... But this? This just lets you continue with what you already have. Oh, except you get a buff, a buff that will break the game when new players have no chance of competing against those who've stacked their buff countless times just because they started earlier. Bad design. It isn't fun; and gets in the way of things the player might choose or want to do.
  7. I'm so tired of saying people even suggesting the age system be reworked. It should just be a character creator slider, and that is it. It brings literally nothing to the game.. Nothing. It is a mere chore that detracts from the game. "Oh look guys! My character looks older now!" .. What? After a week? Really immersive .. I mean, that is all it is SUPPOSED to add, a more immersive feeling to the game; but it fails even in that regard. Which ultimately just boils down to having to reroll every so often, or do a chore (aka, find the fountain of youth). WE HAVE ENOUGH CHORES; DON'T FORCE US TO DO ANOTHER. Just turning off age altogether is the most immerssive option for this game; the game will not last long enough for us to really see the characters we play noticeably age; if it were scaled immersively; and even if it were scaled that way, would anyone care about a character looking older after 10 years? Utterly pointless.. Remove the fountain, it isn't needed. Keep the buff from the kraken if you want, but don't force people to seek this stupid fountain, or force them to look like prunes. It isn't fun, it is a chore detracting from the game, and it needs to be excised. Oh, and don't give people endlessly stacking buffs that make them impossible to hurt for new players. If people want to reroll their characters? FINE! Give them that option! But don't force the rest of us to have to skirt around people who want that option by killing off our characters.
  8. Make a new server for people who want age, and turn it off on the main server.. Or better yet? Just make hardcore servers.
  9. The way to make death matter is simple : 1.Make loot cost more to make. 2.Extend the respawn timer 3.Respawn them far from where they died. All of this equates to time, which is the only real way to punish a player. Force them to waste time. Time in creating what they need to make, time in the respawn, time in the distance back to their body. Beyond that, i would say reduce exp, or place a debuff on the player for death. Anything too permanent will kill the game. Someone in another thread suggested that dying should increase the rate that you age, a mechanic i think shouldn't even be in the game. This is a BAD way to make death matter. It will simply cause people to leave the game, and is what i'd call "halfway hardcore". I'm also a little skeptical of punishing nakeds.. Seems a little too much. Someone could gimp themselves from the start when they'd just trying to learn the game. And having to deal with vitamins all the time will just make the game a chore.
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