Level 856 Alpha horse, faster than everything, hits for 1200 dmg, has 2k HP, SKITTERS ENDLESSLY WHICH FORCES IT TO ATTACK EVERYTHING CONSTANTLY. Salt in wound: it's melee range is 12ft. So digging through the pile of naked corpses is super fucking annoying.
Quick side note........Why does a naked corpse last longer than 10 seconds?!?!?! GET RID OF THAT FUCKING NAKED CORPSE.
Who play tested these mechanics for the last 2 years? I mean, this isn't even the first problem with the NPC AI, don't get me started on the retarded crocodiles chasing rafts out into the ocean.
So, this is our first encounter with an un-killable horse, but it only takes one encounter to see the AI for Alpha horses is fucking broken.
And since the Alpha horse won't leave the area, we have to because he just trots around until something skitters and then attacks all PC's, ignoring NPC's entirely, until the base is destroyed.
How about we work on that for a few patches and skip the bullshit about gold buffing hats and extra levels.