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About Skydance

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  1. Bows? If you control an island (particularly a bigger one), then you should be using Guns. Carbines are the way to deal with Lions and Wolves. Have one of the people in your Crew spec into Firearms so he can make them for the rest of you.
  2. I was told -- but have not confirmed -- that there is a hard limit to the number of Ships a Company can own (and your Company owns everything, as far as the game is concerned). Is it possible your Company has 500 Rafts + Boats?
  3. What's the purpose of Explosive Barrels? It seems like they are intended for blowing through enemy walls (since Cannons and Grenades are useless at it) ... but I'm hearing you can't place Explosive Barrels on enemy-owned land. Is this working as intended? You bombard a wall with hundreds of cannon-balls or 100+ grenades, and then they slap a new wall into the hole to close it instantly?
  4. For centuries, if you wanted to move a pole away from the dock or shore, you pushed with a pole. Sadly, this technology has not been discovered in Atlas, and all we can do is bump into the dock over and over again. AS A TEMPORARY MEASURE, can you modify the Raft controls so that hitting E with a Spear or Pike equipped will give us a new control wheel? Instead of rotating the sail, can we just rotate the raft in place (using the Spear)? You can add a fancy "10 foot pole" later in the game, with animations and anything else you like, but the simple ability to rotate a raft when we're stuck against the shore -- something any 10th century peasant could do -- would solve 90% of the problems I experience with Rafts. Thanks.
  5. I hate that people who can't figure out winds are just being catered to, making the skills developed by those of us who ENJOY the sailing ... obsolete. If people want EZ-mode sailing, there should be a couple skills in the Captain's tree that provide these kinds of bonuses. Make people trade-off by spending their points in that tree if they want the convenience of sailing directly into the wind.
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