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About ZakMc

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  1. @Xenosaga We are on the island Mnt_N_WF: - Wetwood - Rushes - Straw - Granite, Slate - Radiolarite - Iron (pure) - Anthracite - Rabbit, Cow, Seagull, Lion, Pig, Horse, Sheep, - Schisandra, Chamomile, Carrot, Pepper There might be more resources, but thats what I know by heart
  2. Hello, I had setup a ded server with 2x3 squares and just wanted to disable claim flag only on the starter isle (freeport). All other isles in the same square should be claimable. I found only solutions which disable it for the whole square. Can someone help me?
  3. ZakMc

    Stuck in M8

    The developers only wrote 5 hours ago that they were looking into the problem. You just can't expect to restart a hanging process in this short time frame.
  4. ZakMc

    Stuck in M8

    We are stucking in F7 with several company members ...
  5. EU PVE cluster F7 is down since yesterday and we stuck with several people and cant play :-(
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