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About Le_VIP

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  1. I'm looking to buy Journeyman or Masterwork maps and the following BP's: -Legendary+ speed sails -Mythic normal cannons -Legendary+ large planks/gunports -Mythic carbine Offering gold and ressources LeVIP#3897 on discord
  2. It took me 10 minutes to do once i was there and i'm solo. Don't run in blindfolded. All are do-able, i have 8 power stones.
  3. yea, last patch they fixed a glitch that made you being able to feed them from the other side of a wall, there was no challenge since you couldn't be attacked. And since tame are really good it makes sense it isnt easy to tame
  4. They fixed the bug in last patch, you cant no longer feed from other side of a wall, theres nothing to fix
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