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Crimson Win

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Everything posted by Crimson Win

  1. By the way, will we ever get DirectX10 game launch option for better optimisation?
  2. I'm not calling everyone who gives criticism an ahole, i'm specificly talking about people spamming the same thing over and over again on their discord and shittalking about devs etc, and don't even get me started on those stupid chashtags. Yes, i do recall connection issues but notice that: 1. It's an alpha state game 2. By now almost every crash related issue is fixed 3. They worked during freaking christmass to get this fixed so at least give them credit for that And as for claiming goes, i already mentioned it before because yes, i personally think it's pretty broken, for me there should be a limit of no more then let's say... 8 flags per person. And okay, i may have forgotten about the hackers, chinese etc, i'll give you that, but i do belive that as time goes by it'll eventually calm down, just like it happened with ark.
  3. Try moving every file from the "movie" folder in atlas files or simply try using lowmemorymode
  4. Howdy, i made an account just to say this, devs, don't listen to all of that sensless hate you're getting, i played with some of my friends, solo and grouped up alike, and even tho this game IS simular to ark, after you get to the ship phase it's actually pretty new and fresh, also i was one of those people who had a freeze issue and i saw that you guys were actually working with us to get it fixed, and eventually you did, so that "devs don't listen to community" bullshit is out of the window, it should be like "devs don't listen to assholes". And for now the only 2 major issues i see within the game is optimisation and claiming terrain, but from the story of ark i belive you will eventually fix both of those. Keep up the good work :)
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