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Everything posted by Maji

  1. Ask a Pirate Question: When will more elaborate PVE content make its way into the game? Right now FOY/PS are a joke, and a no brainer Kraken fight and Ghost ship fight. Only thing that is remotely challenging is the Yeti. What is being done to appease the PVE side of Atlas?
  2. Maji

    ATLAS Roadmap

    So basically...wait a year, come back and all this will be done.
  3. Well....every mod must be sleeping during this time frame....
  4. Don't think its un-reasable to ask if we can get a readout of knots on the ships?
  5. You should always expect the possibility of a wipe during EA. That's what this time is for, testing and refining the game to where it will produce acceptable and fun for everyone content. I mean you will eventually get bored of this, and leave, and your base will be gone, so technically will be wiped again.
  6. So what is the ETA after turning off Empires until NA PVE is up?
  7. One problem with your math: You didn't account for freeports, lawless, and Golden Age areas. Its more like 400+200 new islands.
  8. It's not the fact that allowing people to build on an island and getting your space...its the fact that as it currently stands, greifing can be a HUGE issue at the start.
  9. Says the guy spawn camping the freeport
  10. Was ark perfect the first 2-3 months of EA? Ask yourself that before you can compare it to Atlas atm.
  11. If you read above, I am NOT a PvPer. Strictly PvE the last 3 years. Simply trying to introduce or think of something new and exciting for this realm. I don't PvP but should a Small Man PVP server launch, I will be all over that one. With this update coming soon, it really is turning into an Ark 2.0. Gonna be almost the exact thing that plagued the PVE servers over there. Grapeshot keeps going backwards to what they know vs trying new stuff.
  12. No one is forcing ANYTHING on anyone. It can be as simple as a company setting to stop any or all action. Take your bile to main general forums where everyone else crying.
  13. K enjoy the same thing over and over for the next 2 years.
  14. I realize there is a whole PVP side of it, but to keep in spirit of Atlas and how it currently functions, there needs to be more interaction between players other than chat. I am an experienced Ark PVEr, well over 3600 hours in Ark PVE, and same thing will plague Atlas unless something NEW is introduced. Yes i know there is a declare war between companies, but that takes the surprise out of it. I'm just spewing out ideas, seems like no one throwing much anything out other than hate and bile from the recent stream. Not saying it needs this specifically, just personally hoping new stuff will keep coming out and keep the PVE side fun and new.
  15. With the new changes happening, there needs to be something pvp related for the pve side. A quick idea would be a bribery system from company to company. Request a bribe or pvp action for those 2 companies during a certain time frame. Defending company has option to pay or refuse and if paid, immune to challenges for X days. If refused, select a time frame option for when vulnerable like we do in war declarations. Larger companies cannot challenge companies with lower numbers than themselves. Attacking company may not bribe same company more than once per X days. This is just theory crafting. Just something I just thought up. Need to somehow make pve engaging with people since you are removing property lines and tax banks. Thoughts ?
  16. Here is the thing, YOU were sold on THIS advertised product at its current state, which you willfully accepted it then. You accepted the fact that game is still being developed and could change at any moment. Asking for your money back is irrelevant, its like asking for a refund of a movie because you didn't like how it ended. Suck it up, and move on. No one will miss you.
  17. Agreed with above, 500 hours for a game you paid $25-$30 for, and for another thing, EARLY ACCESS, repeat, EARLY ACCESS. Material Subject to change per developer!!!!!!
  18. So what is stopping people from Foundation spamming?
  19. Last night, went to tame a bull. What I did was Knock it out unconscious....and took to my taming pen. I waited for it to wake up, and then began the bola tame process. Got it down, went to Feed Rushes to it, got the Prompt to Feed Rushes to it, hit the button and............nothing. Nothing removed from rushes, no taming, etc. Please help to restore this functionality. Will try again today and see w/o the Knockout and see what happens
  20. Game is magical! 3600 hours here I come !
  21. Upvote these issues guys....more attention is needed.
  22. This seems to be very heavy since this last patch, noticing alot more posts about it. Please Grapeshot, please help your support cases! Been stuck for 8 hours now
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