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About Secluse

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  1. The second patch to enable the claim settings was due today at 3 EST. That date and time have gone past, and it’s still not active. Standard course.
  2. I don’t believe it’s gone live. Not sure how a company can be so bad at communication and dates, they should honestly just stop setting dates altogether.
  3. I don’t think there will be a wipe in the near term, maybe before launch and the form of archiving the old, but if they haven’t wiped yet with all the duping and bugs, not sure what would trigger one going forward.
  4. What do you think happens when a whole bunch of claim flags are deleted? What happens to all the infrastructure under those flags? In my sector alone, most sea claims are just off land and used as land claims. Not sure if sea claim changs would wipe those out, but that would be a big issue, it would be a partial reset of the server in many ways, and should come with some advanced notice and specifics so people can plan accordingly.
  5. Uhh... that’s a major issue. Would be helpful to get a little clarity so new flags could be planted before they go poof.
  6. What is a sea claim defined as? Because if it’s any claim based in water (the large circle), they are used extensively around islands as they overlap the land. And if they are taken away, what will happen to all these sea claims, and all the infrastructure built on them?
  7. SotD should be removed and replaced with AI pirates. However, I suspect Grapeshot have no way to implement the AI respecting the wind/sailing condition, hence motorboat logic with ghost ships. It smells of incompetence, just like their unwillingness to resolve an issue that is singlehandedly preventing people from sailing in a sailing game.
  8. Yip. I turned around, ran back through the zone, SotD spawned on top of me sending my ship flying in circles. Fun isn’t it? Play another game, maybe they will fix it, otherwise I’ve had the fun I can have without being able to sail.
  9. Secluse

    PvE woes

    I suspect your resources aren’t respawning because you’ve built a ton of resource denying buildings all over the place. We’ve had elevators, lighthouses, buoys, etc. place massive resource denying radiuses. The moment the people demolish them, everything starts respawning again.
  10. Nearly everyone on my server would love to sail, however once you head out it’s not uncommon to see 5-8 SotD in the screen at any one time - it’s extremely time consuming to weave through them. Then when you zone transition, you end up in a new zone amongst a pack of them, I’ve lost both my ships to this instance - new server, suddenly maelstrom and 3-4 SotD, dead. Everyone is complaining of the same problems in the server. So instead of a server of sailing pirates, everyone is trapped on their islands taming animals and farming, because we cannot do anything else. And for some reason the developer is silent on what we meant to do, guess it’s not a pirate game after all. SotD is literally preventing us from playing, we need to sail to gather missing materials, it’s beyond ridiculous. I only sign on now to trigger my activity timer for claims, chat with the locals, farm a few trees, and log off to play other games while I await for the developer to realize that hundreds of ghost ships in a pirate game isn’t fun.
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