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Everything posted by Martyn

  1. Yeh I've been exploring islands on na pve, A8 to D8 and now D9 backtowards A9, before crossing over to O9 and N9. I haven't seen a single active base yet. Many have just opened their doors.. and left. Some even unclaimed tames or partially destroyed their bases.. In our company more have quit.. nearly double the number of people joining. Maybe if we hadn't played Ark.. or maybe it is the flag system or something else. I have a whole list of issues with Atlas, Ark.. and many other games. But it doesn't stop me playing. Even tho I know the game is going nowhere.
  2. Think you're giving private servers abit more credit than they deserve. Sure many were running for several months.. but eventually, with 5x harvesting, taming etc which nearly all of them had, people got bored faster and moved away. Where as officials tended to have smallers pops, but they lasted for years. Well at least 2-3. I've seen people go and make their own private several times over my stay on a single map. I think the biggest boon tho, to ark, is the ability to move between map worlds with all your favourite tames, with comparitive ease, using the gate system. And later, by freezing them and walking over.. this allowed people to play on all the expansions without having to continually retame or restart, to a degree.. I seem to remember ark blocking transfers for several months after inital releases. Just goes to show that buying a game as soon as it releases, doesn't pay off. The biggest problem private servers did deliver on tho, was youtube videos falsely promoting the game, with many tubers using cheats to make the game look easy along with alot of people on private servers claiming this was easy that was easy this was hard etc and not listening to people on officials at all, infact it honestly felt like we were completely ignored. Officially. Nothing was ever done about spamming or duping or any of the various other exploits that a private server can actively hunt down and terminate. There were a few large groups who were eliminated by devs for exploiting etc but they were rare occasions. I do feel that Atlas is Ark 2.0 but without the useful dinos. Overall I think Atlas/Ark 2.0 is better than Ark 1.0 We'd been asking for ships in ark.. since well.. the 2nd day into EA.. Now we have them.. people want to play ark again.
  3. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1803065959 For 465 gold... even on 2x weekend...
  4. Settlement Owners will need to wait 48 hours to be able to raze an island after claiming it. The raze option will then be available for a 24-hour window only. If you aren't paying for the island, you don't have a right to the making of decisions on it. It isn't fair to new settlement owners to have to put up with dozens of buildings spread over thier new island, that they can smash up 1 block at a time.. why should they? They've just spent hours fighting over it.. or standing around waiting for the flag to get to the top of the mast. They've taken the time to get together, to organise, to grind gold to pay the rent. Why should they be forced to pay rent of dead structures? imho.. all the structures should be erazed as soon as a new flag is formed. But I recognise that current non settlement owner tenants do deserve some protection from the obvious exploit.. 48 hours is plenty. There are alot of holes in the flag system, in counter claiming/stealing land of others alot of almost exploits, seemingly built purposefully into the game. But that doesn't and shouldn't mean the people who put the most in, get punished for it. Now I'm off to do something most of the users of this forum don't.. and that's play Atlas..
  5. Something excellent for once.. gone are the dead bases.. the lag of nobodies.. still affecting the island. And the leeches.. living on someone elses doorstep. Paying nothing towards the rent.. If people smashed up their own bases when they quit islands.. there wouldn't be a need for this. You brought this on your own heads.
  6. Live on lawless then.. Settlements are catering for large companies.. so they should be. If more people live on one island, then they aren't spread out over several!! Settlement Owners will need to wait 48 hours to be able to raze an island after claiming it. The raze option will then be available for a 24-hour window only. - There is no explicit indication of a warning for the current settlers.. which obviously there should be. But before jumping to conclusions about there not being so.. perhaps find out first.
  7. It is my island.. I am paying rent for it. Makes it my island. You're not paying rent, hell, you aren't even paying TAX!! Far as I'm concerned, Settlement owners should be able to eraze/block all other settlers all day every day. We're paying upwards of 3-5k a week to live there. We're the ones having to farm the cash. Sure, to a degree maps help, esp on smaller islands.. but we're still the ones paying. Most of the islands are empty now, still being paid for, by dead companies. If you want to live in a settlement.. you should be paying for it. Either as gifting money or as an actual tax. It's time they reverted the tax to actually BE a TAX. The truth is.. you don't want to pay the rent, but you want the right to live there. Well you don't have that right. Why should I have to run around breaking individual blocks and tiles? On a large island.. ? This allows people 48 hours to move out.. get evicted.. by the new landowner. This is how it should be.
  8. Then either play on lawless.. team up with others to buy the island, but remain solo in your playing.. or sit in a corner and cry.
  9. They might.. amalgamate pve servers.. but they'll never get rid of us.
  10. Why should I have to wait 10 days? I'm paying the rent from day 1..
  11. ITS MY ISLAND!! I can do with it as I like. End of.. If I want to clear it up.. I'm paying the rent.. not you.. not anyone else. You get 48 hours to remove your stuff.. It isn't a trolls toy at all. If someone is forking out 12-25k.. they are paying for the right, if it's pve or pvp.
  12. They are a good idea. This.. is great. Hope it doesn't get reverted. 25k is abit steep, but it'll be really useful to clean an island you've claimed from a long dead company. As for pvp.. if you don't like it, play pve.. so many people complain about being bullied in pvp.. but who enjoy bullying others.. in pvp.. bunch of sad losers.
  13. Just sailed into 3 gallys 3 brigs and a few schooners.. got a couple of mw gunports from it. The sotd spawns and patrol routes are quite messed up atm. Mate reported last night a sotd group spawning on top of a whale.. it was literally bouncing them off into the air.
  14. Finally managed to log in via freeport, then onto my ship.
  15. Looping front end, menu kept restarting ctd with this error. After crashing twice, I have updated my graphics to current recommended. On restarting pc after update this started happening. I cannot get ingame if this continues. Assertion failed: CurrentThreadIfKnown == ENamedThreads::GetThreadIndex(GetCurrentThread()) [File:H:\YARKUpdateSingleplayerTest\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskGraph.cpp] [Line: 1759] VERSION: 209.499 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb66e7a388) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] AtlasGame.exe!FOutputDevice::Logf__VA() (0x00007ff6add32e98) + 159 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\misc\outputdevice.cpp:145] AtlasGame.exe!FDebug::AssertFailed() (0x00007ff6add331e9) + 65 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\misc\outputdevice.cpp:220] AtlasGame.exe!FTaskGraphImplementation::WaitUntilTasksComplete() (0x00007ff6adcabb95) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:1763] AtlasGame.exe!FTaskGraphInterface::WaitUntilTaskCompletes() (0x00007ff6add51129) + 17 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\async\taskgraphinterfaces.h:322] AtlasGame.exe!StopRenderingThread() (0x00007ff6ae1718c4) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\rendercore\private\renderingthread.cpp:605] AtlasGame.exe!FSceneViewport::UpdateViewportRHI() (0x00007ff6aea9d55b) + 36 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\slate\sceneviewport.cpp:1063] AtlasGame.exe!FSceneViewport::~FSceneViewport() (0x00007ff6aea98758) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\slate\sceneviewport.cpp:48] AtlasGame.exe!FSceneViewport::`scalar deleting destructor'() (0x00007ff6aea98634) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] AtlasGame.exe!SharedPointerInternals::FSharedReferencer<0>::operator=() (0x00007ff6ac928d22) + 11 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\templates\sharedpointerinternals.h:402] AtlasGame.exe!UGameEngine::OnGameWindowClosed() (0x00007ff6ae4d1468) + 34 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\gameengine.cpp:572] AtlasGame.exe!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance_OneParam<UInventoryPanelWidget,void,UDataListEntryButton * __ptr64>::ExecuteIfSafe() (0x00007ff6ac9f9f1b) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl.inl:533] AtlasGame.exe!SWindow::NotifyWindowBeingDestroyed() (0x00007ff6ade741fd) + 54 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swindow.cpp:1042] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::PrivateDestroyWindow() (0x00007ff6adec334c) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:4819] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::DestroyWindowsImmediately() (0x00007ff6adeb3502) + 12 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:1811] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::RequestDestroyWindow() (0x00007ff6adeb0aff) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:1381] AtlasGame.exe!SWindow::RequestDestroyWindow() (0x00007ff6ade7412f) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slatecore\private\widgets\swindow.cpp:1028] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::OnWindowClose() (0x00007ff6adec34c0) + 5 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:4853] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::ProcessDeferredMessage() (0x00007ff6add5b1f2) + 54 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:1474] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::ProcessDeferredEvents() (0x00007ff6add5c496) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:1659] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::Tick() (0x00007ff6adeaf276) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:893] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateLoadingSynchronizationMechanism::SlateThreadRunMainLoop() (0x00007ff6ae26d9f6) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\movieplayer\private\movieplayerthreading.cpp:154] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateLoadingThreadTask::Run() (0x00007ff6ae26db10) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\movieplayer\private\movieplayerthreading.cpp:197] AtlasGame.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() (0x00007ff6add7a966) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:73] AtlasGame.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() (0x00007ff6add7a838) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:26] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb6a0c4034) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb6a213691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb6a213691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] Crash in runnable thread SlateLoadingThread
  16. Died...CTD Fatal error! VERSION: 209.499 PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::Sq::BucketPrunerCore::removeMarkedObjects() (0x00007ffbb1062264) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\scenequery\src\sqbucketpruner.cpp:794] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::Sq::ExtendedBucketPruner::removeMarkedObjects() (0x00007ffbb106a6db) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\scenequery\src\sqextendedbucketpruner.cpp:476] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::Sq::AABBPruner::commit() (0x00007ffbb1058791) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\scenequery\src\sqaabbpruner.cpp:491] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::Sq::SceneQueryManager::afterSync() (0x00007ffbb1056f45) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\scenequery\src\sqscenequerymanager.cpp:433] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::NpScene::fetchResultsPostContactCallbacks() (0x00007ffbb0f8a600) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\physx\src\npscene.cpp:2259] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::NpScene::fetchResults() (0x00007ffbb0f85c42) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\physx\src\npscene.cpp:2327] APEXFramework_x64.dll!nvidia::apex::ApexScene::fetchResults() (0x00007ffbb4801225) + 21 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\apex_1.4\framework\src\apexscene.cpp:1366] AtlasGame.exe!FPhysScene::ProcessPhysScene() (0x00007ff72279bfd5) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\physicsengine\physscene.cpp:677] AtlasGame.exe!TBaseStaticDelegateInstance_ThreeParams<void,bool,__int64,int>::ExecuteIfSafe() (0x00007ff72064833a) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl.inl:691] AtlasGame.exe!TGraphTask<FDelegateGraphTask>::ExecuteTask() (0x00007ff721e954a6) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\async\taskgraphinterfaces.h:875] AtlasGame.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread() (0x00007ff7219c9d68) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:942] AtlasGame.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() (0x00007ff7219c8f1d) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:683] AtlasGame.exe!FTaskGraphImplementation::WaitUntilTasksComplete() (0x00007ff7219cbce0) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:1785] AtlasGame.exe!FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroup() (0x00007ff722488b1c) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\ticktaskmanager.cpp:205] AtlasGame.exe!FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroup() (0x00007ff72248e91c) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\ticktaskmanager.cpp:999] AtlasGame.exe!UWorld::RunTickGroup() (0x00007ff7222c0236) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\leveltick.cpp:702] AtlasGame.exe!UWorld::Tick() (0x00007ff7222c175d) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\leveltick.cpp:1269] AtlasGame.exe!UGameEngine::Tick() (0x00007ff7221f3204) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\gameengine.cpp:1183] AtlasGame.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() (0x00007ff72063e3af) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2733] AtlasGame.exe!GuardedMain() (0x00007ff720638c5c) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:140] AtlasGame.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() (0x00007ff720640e3a) + 5 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125] AtlasGame.exe!WinMain() (0x00007ff720640f68) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:209] AtlasGame.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x00007ff72352a559) + 21 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd5f34034) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd87c3691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd87c3691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] Crashed again... trying to respawn. Fatal error! VERSION: 209.499 AtlasGame.exe!UUI_Spawn::ClickedButton() (0x00007ff7210f863e) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\ui_spawn.cpp:1240] AtlasGame.exe!UPrimalUI::execClickedButton() (0x00007ff721533c7b) + 139 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\classes\primalui.h:36] AtlasGame.exe!UFunction::Invoke() (0x00007ff721acd937) + 15 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\class.cpp:3914] AtlasGame.exe!UObject::ProcessEvent() (0x00007ff721b0ffb8) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\scriptcore.cpp:931] AtlasGame.exe!TMulticastScriptDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr>::ProcessMulticastDelegate<UObject>() (0x00007ff7206542f4) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\uobject\scriptdelegates.h:397] AtlasGame.exe!UButton::SlateHandleClicked() (0x00007ff721fb861c) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\umg\private\components\button.cpp:164] AtlasGame.exe!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance_RetVal_NoParams<UButton,FReply>::Execute() (0x00007ff721fe8212) + 12 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl.inl:521] AtlasGame.exe!TBaseDelegate_RetVal_NoParams<FText>::Execute() (0x00007ff7207302da) + 6 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegatesignatureimpl.inl:1111] AtlasGame.exe!SButton::OnMouseButtonUp() (0x00007ff721c79b6b) + 17 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\widgets\input\sbutton.cpp:240] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::ProcessMouseButtonUpEvent() (0x00007ff721bdcbb0) + 23 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:3645] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::OnMouseUp() (0x00007ff721bdc68f) + 12 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:3600] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::ProcessDeferredMessage() (0x00007ff721a7bc9d) + 12 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:1343] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::DeferMessage() (0x00007ff721a7c35b) + 74 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:1634] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::ProcessMessage() (0x00007ff721a79983) + 41 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:737] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::AppWndProc() (0x00007ff721a78f0f) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:599] USER32.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd6346d41) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] USER32.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd6346713) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsPlatformMisc::PumpMessages() (0x00007ff721a86fc6) + 41 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsplatformmisc.cpp:800] AtlasGame.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() (0x00007ff72063e30a) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2719] AtlasGame.exe!GuardedMain() (0x00007ff720638c5c) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:140] AtlasGame.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() (0x00007ff720640e3a) + 5 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125] AtlasGame.exe!WinMain() (0x00007ff720640f68) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:209] AtlasGame.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x00007ff72352a559) + 21 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd5f34034) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd87c3691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd87c3691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
  17. Picked up rabbit.. ctd Fatal error! VERSION: 209.499 PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::Sq::BucketPrunerMap::removePairInternal() (0x00007ffbb1061502) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\scenequery\src\sqbucketpruner.cpp:2469] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::Sq::BucketPrunerCore::removeMarkedObjects() (0x00007ffbb10622e4) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\scenequery\src\sqbucketpruner.cpp:807] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::Sq::ExtendedBucketPruner::removeMarkedObjects() (0x00007ffbb106a6db) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\scenequery\src\sqextendedbucketpruner.cpp:476] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::Sq::AABBPruner::commit() (0x00007ffbb1058791) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\scenequery\src\sqaabbpruner.cpp:491] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::Sq::SceneQueryManager::afterSync() (0x00007ffbb1056f45) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\scenequery\src\sqscenequerymanager.cpp:433] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::NpScene::fetchResultsPostContactCallbacks() (0x00007ffbb0f8a600) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\physx\src\npscene.cpp:2259] PhysX3_x64.dll!physx::NpScene::fetchResults() (0x00007ffbb0f85c42) + 0 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\physx\src\npscene.cpp:2327] APEXFramework_x64.dll!nvidia::apex::ApexScene::fetchResults() (0x00007ffbb4801225) + 21 bytes [e:\arksvn_pc\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\apex_1.4\framework\src\apexscene.cpp:1366] AtlasGame.exe!FPhysSubstepTask::SubstepSimulationEnd() (0x00007ff72279fb85) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\physicsengine\physsubsteptasks.cpp:386] AtlasGame.exe!TBaseStaticDelegateInstance_ThreeParams<void,bool,__int64,int>::ExecuteIfSafe() (0x00007ff72064833a) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl.inl:691] AtlasGame.exe!TGraphTask<FDelegateGraphTask>::ExecuteTask() (0x00007ff721e954a6) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\async\taskgraphinterfaces.h:875] AtlasGame.exe!FTaskThreadAnyThread::ProcessTasks() (0x00007ff7219ca647) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:1260] AtlasGame.exe!FTaskThreadAnyThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() (0x00007ff7219ca3c8) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:1153] AtlasGame.exe!FTaskThreadBase::Run() (0x00007ff7219c8d9b) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:625] AtlasGame.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() (0x00007ff721a9a966) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:73] AtlasGame.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() (0x00007ff721a9a838) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:26] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd5f34034) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd87c3691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd87c3691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] Crash in runnable thread TaskGraphThreadNP 2
  18. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1801609922 I like it.. I wanna do it, but I dunno how.
  19. List of Frustrations Not all bugs.. just things I don't like Galleon Turning point in wrong place, should be at the placement of the helm or the actual rudder. Not middle of ship. No foundation bug in forward area of ship. Ladder Bugs Unable to climb wood or rope ladders on one side, unable to climb over onto deck on other. Ladders are glitchy at the best of times. Can't use Q to turn structure. Placement of structure ie roof/stairs is frustrating. Forward Cannon Ports, Cannons are placed incorrectly, should face slightly forward, with the curve of the planking. Not at 90 dg to the ship like the main side banks. No rear facing cannon ports. Replacement of Masts ofter requires substantial destruction of objects due to collision clipping. No object should be able to placed in such a way that it clips or causes replacement to fault. Other Ships Ships demo'ing on settlement islands. (at green anchor) Schooner can be fitted with large sails, which not only makes the ship look stupid, but would effectively rip the ship apart irl. Max sail size should be medium. Crew Crew cannot farm Crew cannot patrol Crew cannot carry alot Crew on ships are slow to update, there's 10-15 second pause from giving orders to them carrying them out. More obviously, distance to lowest, move away, wait for crew to react to you having moved. Cannot place crew on objects. Have to whistle to proximity or order directly, even with ordering they don't always goto the closest object. But one above it. Crew are weak to sharks and mantas, they don't even attempt to dodge attacks. Crew pathing is horrendous. Tamed Animals Bear pathing is horrendous on follow. Basic movement speed is too slow. Turning circle is too wide. Elephant turning circle is too wide. Stamina regen too slow. Gets stuck on small rocks and structure it should be able to walk over. Giraffe Stamina regen too fast. Turning circle when sprinting is insanely wide. Often the animal will run sideways or fly off cliffs if on follow. Pathing is terrible. Wolves, hp is too low. Lions cannot grab on pve. (Should be able to grab animals at least) Tigers bleed is too low, almost worthless now. A lv 1 wild tiger does more bleed damage than a 150% lv 75 tamed. Rhinos can't harvest metal from rocks. Swim speed is too slow. No weight reduction for metal, only stone. Chickens, Bears, Pigs swimming speed is buggy, often they move at extremely slow speeds in water. Cow attack is too strong. Horse torpor damage is too low. Should make attackers run away with risk of droping unconcious. Like snake, scorpion or spider venom. Bull bleed damage is better than a Tigers.. Saddles are too big for the animals. They basically just stretch over them depending on size. Painting saddles is broken, the saddle you paint, is not the saddle in use. The art is from the Ark saddles. AOD So many nerfs for these with weapons, that they just aren't worth fighting against. Loot they drop is worthless, can't be damaged by most weapons. It's just stupid design and balancing. It is mostly just a case of kill with tames to get rid of them. There's no fun involved, it's just tedious gameplay. SOTD Move to fast in water, esp away from you, I've had difficulty moving at 10 knots trying to catch up to brigs, they just powerboat away from you. The always try to get into the rear of the ship. Which makes trying to broadside them almost impossible. The main aim of the ship warfare.. cannot effectively be used, not due to lack of player skill or ship build.. but because the ai is always trying to get behind you. This necessitates kiting setups to kill them. Which is extremely boring. Loot drops are worthless. Some bps are ok. Only extremely high level ships drop semi decent loot. Instantly spawning sharks on claiming crewmen. Islands Not updated to Atlas Map. Often rocks in places not on either Sextant map or Atlas map. Rocks cannot be seen underwater in some regions, esp murky brown water of desert regions. Hitting rocks causes ship to go haywire. Often spinning out of control. Some islands are so close together, the water looks more like a river than a sea. B8 for example. New Animals No value in pve. At all. Except one that can potentially put out fires. For the one island where a dragon lives. Structure The entire system needs to be redone. Unable to snap, missing design ie no half stone doorways, no half ramps. Etc. Unable to flip. Default wall snapping in wrong direction. It's just a dreadful system. There needs to be a selections of wall/floor textures.. for each type, not just 1. Gameplay Can't mine unless looking directly down onto resource. Armour/Tools/Weapons don't match stature. Weapon reload speeds too slow. Defence against animals is generally too weak, esp in hide armour/fur. Weapon damage is too weak. Loot tables need to be rewritten. Scale of loot is horrendous 95% of it isn't even worth picking up. Default Harvest amounts are attrocious. During 2x weekends, the amount reflects too much.. around 750 for a metal rock.. during the week, you're lucky to get 200 from same rock. Half of 750 is not 200. Desyncs – During peak play.. for a map that is supposed to hold 40,000 players.. it can barely hold 400 without lagging out. Desyncs are the first sign of bad datacenter lag. Then there's rubberbanding, slow loading, load crashes.. Having to move out of render distance and back just to see other players.. and it often doesn't work. My ping throughout is around 70ms. Player Aging is far too fast, should be at least 25-30% of what it currently is. Respawning on beds in other regions takes too long, is very buggy and often crashes the game. Weather Cyclone Storms do too much damage to ships. They are a massive resource sink and timesink. Slack Wind lasts too long. Algorithm to rng wind direction seems to always set wind in the worst direction possible. Between this and Cyclone Storms.. Invisible rocks and invisible shallows near islands, often miles out to sea, with no map indication that they exist. Possibly connected to misaligned island maps.
  20. Trying to get back to my ships' bed via teleport without dying. Fatal error! VERSION: 209.499 AtlasGame.exe!UUI_Spawn::ClickedButton() (0x00007ff7210f863e) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\ui_spawn.cpp:1240] AtlasGame.exe!UPrimalUI::execClickedButton() (0x00007ff721533c7b) + 139 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\classes\primalui.h:36] AtlasGame.exe!UFunction::Invoke() (0x00007ff721acd937) + 15 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\class.cpp:3914] AtlasGame.exe!UObject::ProcessEvent() (0x00007ff721b0ffb8) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\scriptcore.cpp:931] AtlasGame.exe!TMulticastScriptDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr>::ProcessMulticastDelegate<UObject>() (0x00007ff7206542f4) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\uobject\scriptdelegates.h:397] AtlasGame.exe!UButton::SlateHandleClicked() (0x00007ff721fb861c) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\umg\private\components\button.cpp:164] AtlasGame.exe!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance_RetVal_NoParams<UButton,FReply>::Execute() (0x00007ff721fe8212) + 12 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegateinstancesimpl.inl:521] AtlasGame.exe!TBaseDelegate_RetVal_NoParams<FText>::Execute() (0x00007ff7207302da) + 6 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\public\delegates\delegatesignatureimpl.inl:1111] AtlasGame.exe!SButton::OnMouseButtonUp() (0x00007ff721c79b6b) + 17 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\widgets\input\sbutton.cpp:240] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::ProcessMouseButtonUpEvent() (0x00007ff721bdcbb0) + 23 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:3645] AtlasGame.exe!FSlateApplication::OnMouseUp() (0x00007ff721bdc68f) + 12 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\slate\private\framework\application\slateapplication.cpp:3600] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::ProcessDeferredMessage() (0x00007ff721a7bc9d) + 12 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:1343] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::DeferMessage() (0x00007ff721a7c35b) + 74 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:1634] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::ProcessMessage() (0x00007ff721a79983) + 41 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:737] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsApplication::AppWndProc() (0x00007ff721a78f0f) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsapplication.cpp:599] USER32.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd6346d41) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] USER32.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd6346713) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] AtlasGame.exe!FWindowsPlatformMisc::PumpMessages() (0x00007ff721a86fc6) + 41 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsplatformmisc.cpp:800] AtlasGame.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() (0x00007ff72063e30a) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2719] AtlasGame.exe!GuardedMain() (0x00007ff720638c5c) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:140] AtlasGame.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() (0x00007ff720640e3a) + 5 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125] AtlasGame.exe!WinMain() (0x00007ff720640f68) + 8 bytes [h:\yarkupdatesingleplayertest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:209] AtlasGame.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x00007ff72352a559) + 21 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd5f34034) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd87c3691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffbd87c3691) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
  21. Dunno if they sail away deeper into next zone or if they despawn, but certainly seeing less of it. Usually we sail in pairs, so sometimes I get warnings that a group "followed me through" and they're nearly always floating wrecks when I load in.
  22. I just use capt's orders, whistle passive. Log out.. log in, press G which is my revert key.. puts em all back on cannons. Unless there's been a patch. Sail away.. after checking stock etc.
  23. This is more or less correct. Although it isn't kiting, if the sotd follows them. It's just how it is. Sometimes they'll follow you further if you're still within attack distance, ie a slow loader etc. I always open gun ports and put guns on aggressive when zoning now. Usually everything is dead by the time I load. Just wait until you find a lv 50+ in middle of a zone 1+ zones from a golden age.. hehe.
  24. Yeh weird. I read somewhere about adding to it's melee, but I've since checked everywhere I usually research this stuff and not only is there no mention of it specifically to melee there's actually no mention of lv bonus at all. Except for crows, where it says a lv 1 gives 10.4% int bonus and a lv 130 gives 60%. There is a conspicous lack of info, almost like someone has gone around erasing it. There should be tables for this stuff, like torpor damage/taming for ark etc. For atlas.. there's almost nothing. Would almost think noone plays the game anymore...
  25. Turn your gamma down? I only get a black screen.. when my avatar is still ingame.. Still. It's not as bright as a glacier...
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