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  1. At first make up your mind, do you want tier 3 animals to be able to breed or downright shut the skill off and make it clear. Also i would like to see a structure or just the possibility to assign NPC crewmember to animal or the said structure. And for a wage and food they would milk your cows, collect your chicken eggs and trim your sheep. Bear - At the moment its the only usefull animal in terms of combat, more hp, more stamina and the ability to breed makes it better then the tier 3 offensive tames. Make it either less combat focused or less gatherer focused because the duality of the creature only supports it's number one status. You could introduce two strains of the bear, a normal one for harvesting and a polar/cave version focused on combat. Chicken - Fine at it is, as some others suggested a structure for keeping them safe with easy acces to eggs. Cow - Fine Bull - I would like to see the ability from Pig to move into bull. Making him produce feces fast or producing more potent kind of fertilizer. Crow - Fine Razortooth - Should be APEX among the carnivore tames, I would like to see the stats buffed while making it harder to tame. His ability should only reduce damage output of enemies as it is not beneficial for the Razortooth to make his dinner run like mad away from him. Shieldhorn - Same as Razortooth. Buff stats and increase taming dificulity. Also make him able to harvest atleast some kind of food. Elephant - Fine Giant Pig - Replace the pooping ability with diging as a shovel. Giraffe - Focus more on thatch gathering, in a recent patch you went the right way but still not enough in my opinion to make it superior to elephant. Horse - Reduce speed below Ostrich (or increase Ostrich speed). Horses should be working animals, pulling around cargos and mounted canons. Lion - Needs something to make a clear difference between tiger and lion. Considering the Lion's actual ability i would like to add Prowl/Pounce mechanizm to it, where if you Prowl you reduce the aggro range on you and if you Pounce you travel short distance grabing your prey. Monkey - Fine Ostrich - Should be faster then horse but carry less weight and cause less damage then horse. Make it a perfect scout animal. Parrot - Fine Penguin - No idea if this work already or not, but the buff from Penguin should be AoE so it can act as an AC. Rabbit - Fine Rhino - Should be able to harvest metal even from stones as you can with a pickaxe, even if it is a miniscule ammount. Seagull - Rather then oxygen/swim buff i'd like to see a weather warnings as some suggested making different noises according to upcoming weather. Sheep - You should harvest fiber instead of leather from these as different kinds of fiber are harder to come by. Tiger - As with Lion, Tiger also needs somethings to shine in. And if Lion should be the stealthy, surprise predator with Tiger I imagine more straight forward aproach. Make his bleeding DoT more potent and give him the Razortooth ability that works only on wild animals. Either as a roar or as a part of the Bleeding mechanism (activates the panic-run once the dot is applied to a creature with 30% hp or less). Vulture - Execution. You should be able to throw off your Vulture on a low HP enemy to instantly execute it, or make the Vulture to chase the wounded target with increased speed and damage. Wolfv - The heat buff is great but I would rather see the pack mechanism from Ark or the ability of tamed Wolf to "summon" other wolves by its howl to aid in combat. The Howl ability should have a longer internal cooldown and the summoned wolves could run off to wilds or just despawn after a certain period of time. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I would also like to see some variations of these: Giant Gorila - Large primate, able to be riden, mediocore fighter (bull-like stats) who works as a climbing pick. There is whole lots of moutain peaks that are extremly hard to climb up to, this could be a solution. Bee Hives - As in Ark I would like to tame/construct my own Bee Hive to increase farming output and harvest my own honey. Aquatic Animal - I cant understood how come there is not yet a way to tame a Shark or atleast a Dolphin. Might be my personal feeling, but I would love to swim around my company boats on a mighty sea beast, taking care of those pesky minions like Mantas and Jellies as well as having a tool to quickly descend to depths and a way of protecting myself in the abyss. Poisonus animals - It would be nice if spiders, scorpions or snakes were droping "Toxin" that would later be refined and made into tranquil arrows. Not that I would like that passive kind of taming like in ARK where you keep the creature on drugs while stuffing berries in its A-hole but it would be nice if we had a way to tranquilize an animal and then drag it (provided you have the weight capacity) to a safer location. To make it harder to obtain you could make Cobra snakes tamable and harvest the toxin from those like you would milk a cow.
  2. its been a while and this still has not been adressed, it would be nice to know if somebody is working on the stuff as im still keeping the points in the Tier 3 Imprint skill.... or is this some kind of design fault where you wanted to make them breedable but scraped that idea while leaving the skill there? i really dont understand what is the issue with this i would understand that from a role-playing point of view you might say that carnivorous creatures are not able to be bred in captivity but then again elephants cant be bred either so please delete the skill alltogether so i can spend my points in something else, or atleast make some kind of statement that the thing is bugged and will be working eventualy
  3. eu pve c6 down too it seems, and i wasnt on boat, happend when i landed with flight-wings... got fatal error and cant connect since
  4. i did crawl through the pages manytimes looking for pics of enterances and ive noticed ppl ask about the server a lot but wasnt rly paying attention to anything other then the pics so not sure but thx for info
  5. really ? is that a new feature? coz i think it used to be different
  6. what server are you talking about ? and anyone knows where FOY is on EU PVE ?
  7. i have similar problem with tigers and lions, seems all tier 3 creatures are unable to breed atm, making the "Breeding Tier 3" skill useless waste of points atm
  8. made similar post in general discussion but after some testing i ll rather post it here also Breeding of tier 3 creatures is currently bugged/not working properly making the skill for it useless waste of points atm. Seems rather weird that its bugged only at T3 creatures as with the lower tiers everything works fine and the coding should be rather similar ?
  9. Mkay seems its not only tigers but all tier 3 creatures. Tested it today with Lions also and some guys on my island cant breed their elephant either. What is the point of T3 breeding skill then?
  10. Having trouble breeding our tigers. And its not the "heat" stuff problem because that atleast shows some icon .All the other animals we have (cows, chickens, horses) have the line "enable wandering to mate" in their description panel, but the tigers dont. Is that some kind of bug? or works as intended for tier 3 creatures or you are only able to breed herbivores?
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