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About need4speedazx

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  1. @SteveMThe issue wasn't the glitched island, i have no problem removing it. What I was saying is I DID DO A FULL WIPE, but I still cannot spawn in free ports, when there are ONLY freeports in the server tile. It spawns me in the middle of the ocean. I have 4 freeports, north, south, east, west. The center island was merely saying that adding a non freeport island especially doesn't work. I used to be able to slightly move the islands to fix the glitch without full wiping it. But just to be safe, lately, I have been FULL WIPING.
  2. I've had this issue for a couple of weeks now I placed Mnt_C_EE in the center of the freeports, with a north, south, east, west freeports. It would spawn me in the center island not matter which spawn I selected. Not only that but the center island was broken. Couldn't harvest and could just run through trees and rocks. Tried the AutoGenerateIslandSpawnRegions=False, but nothing. Tried moving the island slightly, nothing. Tried wiping the server, nothing. In the end I just removed it.
  3. That isn't it. Its the land grab then selling it or leasing it. Being taxed to use the land. That is what they mean. Eventually, you'll end up paying a tax to alpha companies no matter where you go.
  4. I get your protest. Im sure they will eventually hear you. But youll end up losing as well for going about it the wrong way. Our company was lucky to find land in the tundra and we were playing since day one. Land got taken up quick. You could of easily given up some. Not everybody wants to be managed by another company. To have their land leased and taxed....
  5. They should limit the claim flags to one per player. The circle is huge. one player does not need to claim an entire island. Its exactly as ARK was with alpha tribes taking over the game. People taking advantage of exploits and bugs to get an advantage. I traveled on my raft an entire day asking for just one spot to put a flag down and I kept being told to move on. Companies with entire islands claimed couldn't just allow us one flag. We finally found a spot in the tundra furthest south you can go where nothing grows, no resources other than animals. You die right away from the cold if you're not prepared. which I can't be because if I go to a freeport to set myself up to go back. I may come back and the spot is taken plus having to deal with the danger along the way. I know its just early access. But very quickly a few people found a way to make the game unplayable for a lot of us just because of how territory is managed.
  6. Sailed around for hours going region to region, server to server, cannot find a single island available for claim, not even a tiny spot for one flag, a few big companies are going around claiming everything there is to claim. By the time I reach any place its taken, even the snow areas I've tried. taken. So that being said, our company of 3 people cannot even get going, we tried building a sloop on a lawless region to head out again, a ghost ship came and destroyed everyone's stuff near shore. 3 times already we have been wiped and forced to start over by ghost ships preventing us from even going out to find land, no islands to make a home and have a proper start. This is on PVE! The same thing happened with their ARK game and they just added more servers. I would of imagined they would have thought of this since their other game ARK had the same issue with mega tribes taking over the land.
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