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Elric Melnibone

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Everything posted by Elric Melnibone

  1. Title says it all sign this if you DO NOT WANT Torpedoes and other game breaking "Technology" added to game!
  2. Go through the Right side elbow….yes the left is broken....put a bed close you will die quite a bit.
  3. I understand completely. My 15+ company was completely kicked out of our company from a bug. Our lands were in the hands of no one and the old guild name. We had to sail rafts back to the island and take back every flag and structure (killing old sleepers that would never wake) under a completely new company. There was no way to get help from the developers and they do not care. I should note CTSG a 400+ company had an GM show up and help them with the same bug. The only reason I am responding to your post is I think you will be short and long term better off deleting and moving on to have more fun down the road with the game. Feet dragging and lamenting over poor customer support that will never come will do you no good as they are not listening and they do not care.
  4. I know this is not what you want to hear. But can you delete? We had guys delete and start over just to get easy respec's we had them leveled back in one night of light play. It would solve your problems and get you back on track with the other characters albeit slightly behind the curve but not much if you pull the trigger now.
  5. My guess is the new crab gets metal, with it's ability to leap very high it should be a great way to climb up and hit nodes that are on the higher peaks in some islands. The submarine gets Coral (under the water you can dive for it now and E it with your hands) which is a 1 to 3 coral to Org paste convert. Sort of premature on the pull to make more expensive stone but the huge builds are lagging the servers already so I can't blame them. If you have no source of Org paste on your island try go for a swim. Same thing with fiber...it's down there.
  6. My guess is the new crab gets metal, with it's ability to leap very high it should be a great way to climb up and hit nodes that are on the higher peaks in some islands. The submarine gets Coral (under the water you can dive for it now and E it with your hands) which is a 1 to 3 coral to Org paste convert. Sort of premature on the pull to make more expensive stone but the huge builds are lagging the servers already so I can't blame them.
  7. No it happened on the 7.0 Patch same as many guilds who posted here. This was last night around 11pm - midnight CST.
  8. Are you a GM my whole clan was kicked from our guild and we are all kicked out.
  9. Apparently the 400+ company that ran into this got a GM in game to contact them. I don't know how. But it seems the smaller company is left to the wayside.
  10. Can we get a GM to help us for a minute or two?
  11. How do you make contact with customer support or a Game Master (GM)?
  12. I disagree. We farm for days and lose the almost constructed Galleon to a "soft wipe" of development team turning up the spawn rate purposely too high on ghost ships. Then we turn it around and build a Brig to have the whole guild kicked out to some bug. I mean have your bugs but put some support in place to help those so adversely effected by the bugs that they cannot even play anymore. Lost players? I mean how can any of us play when everything we work for and play for everyday can just be ripped away with no help from the game makers? Should we just start over on noob island and attempt to find a spot on the already overcrowded islands? Should we just sit on our thumbs saying nothing and accepting the fact that there is no form of support in place to help us? Is it ok for it to happen one time? Two? Three? Should we keep playing and everyday have everything taken away? Maybe each week? Play for a week and have it all taken away?What is acceptable to you because this is a "early access" game? Let's be serious here. The model of "early access" is a joke. You put a MMO out and a couple hundred thousand people come to play on your game. You charge them money. But because you call it early access you are allowed to have no customer support in place. As a developer you get a free pass to having the worst customer service interaction and no expectations in the form of a working piece of software that does the job it was intended to do. Basically you can pay us and play our game but we as a company have no responsibility to ANYTHING. It's not ok. It's unethical business practices. And in the end when enough people are adversely effected they rise up to take down business entities that are unethical.
  13. What avenue of contact were you able to make to get a GM to help you? We have heard nothing from the Game Master.
  14. No support tickets. No help. hundreds of hours of play down the crapper. Not even a "we are sorry but we will not help you post".
  15. I would put those 400 gentlemen to work causing a commotion. The more noise you make the more chance they will do something.
  16. Nah mine and many others are reporting the bug. Nothing saying this has been happening on many versions. I believe mine was kicking a member from the company caused a complete disconnect for all members.
  17. I feel you man we lost everything. Nothing like what you guys lost but it was everything to us as well.
  18. Same thing just happened to us. Good luck to you and your men.
  19. Server reboot removed all members from our company.
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