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eS Netmad

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About eS Netmad

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  1. Hey, Do you know if there is something special to do to update private windows server from 24.4 to V100.1 ? I try to do the update, but I'm stuck to this version. Maybe the gameid of the serv change or something like that ? C:\steam\servers\Atlas\SteamCMD\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir C:\steam\servers\Atlas\ +app_update 1006030 +quit Thx for your help
  2. I have the same issue here. Any issue ? If we level up the boat, it change something maybe ?
  3. Any news about this issue ? Something to change in the conf ? Or maybe any cool idea ?
  4. Hello, On my private server, when I try to add stuff on my ship, the game say that there is already to many structures on this Plateform. Do you know if it's possible to unlock that in the config ? I aldready try to update this line, but it doesn't work. PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier=5.000000 Thx for your help
  5. Same issue here, maps doesn't work.. Could you give me the link to your web server to see how you setup that ? And maybe to your .ServerGrid.json ? COuld help a lot ! .. @HelixU4
  6. Hey, when I launch my cluster, I have now this king of error in all my servers. Anyone know what is the issue ? #THX [2019.01.04-09.57.57:400][ 1]Tribe Error: Missing tribe name [2019.01.04-09.57.57:401][ 1]Member List Error: No tribe members [2019.01.04-09.57.57:401][ 1]Tribe (1816745660) loaded no members
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