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About e1429799

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  1. Long story short, the permission system as it is, is not user friendly and you can bypass it anyway. QoL Better ways to manage the structure permissions We need something like setting structure permissions in a certain radius or connected structures. Changing the permission of a 1000 Part base is just impossible. You need to go 1000 times through the circular menu and prey you didn't forget an item. Add privacy, let us set a permission to a certain player. e.g. a personal box would be nice Rank settings > pin code If you set up a rank 1 box, a rank 0 can't access it even if you set up a pin, while non members can access the box. (especially PVE) Current system can't prevent anything It does not matter what settings you use Rank 10 or Admin only, every Rank 0 member can still destroy the structures with weapons. The admin only door is useless. ppl can demolish the surrounding structures. So you have to use a rank nobody can access anyway. You can't unclaim a creature but you can still kill it with weapons Add permissions what ppl can do with your own character Don't wake up as a female with a beard Don't wake up with a dick tattoo on your head (PVE) Let us decide if friendly fire should be allowed yea, sometimes members think it's funny to shoot another member for several hours, till someone rage quits or starts to cry, let us prevent this childish behavior.
  2. Yea it really needs an improvement. QoL enhancements remember your last chat setting (instead of multiple hardware keys or tabbing around) set focus on the chat prompt when you have been tabbed out and click with the mouse into the game to focus the game again. Select certain members, company groups, alliances, alliance groups let us manage groups, like writing to a certain rank, a certain allie group (e.g. trading, boss fights, etc), certain company groups (e.g. ship 1, ship 2, resource collectors, builder, etc...), so you can work in separate teams, etc Allow to disable the chat When you're e.g. in the Options it can be horrible to read what is beneath the chat window. I wouldn't mind if you just replace it with an discord plug-in. I didn't spent a lot of time thinking about that, to be honest ppl use discord for voice and chat, because the implemented system isn't good enough, and that's a shame. So instead of ppl using different systems, it would be sweet if the implemented system is as good, so ppl don't even have to look for alternatives. Just take a look how other games/chat systems work.
  3. Guess the point is - team up. A team of 10 ppl and all are unavailable for 3 days? But yea, I agree, I hated the 14 days in ark, already that was insane. But almost all server will handle stuff like that, because that's the real "performance" / "you're taking away the place of other players"
  4. Yea. I absolutely have no idea what the hell is wrong with those devs. Make all stuff per default locked. Claiming ships and territory shouldn't be a thing anyway.
  5. Yea seems wrong in pve and pvp. In PVE I think they should just slide down the raft. In PVP the boat should get slow, or sink or no idea, maybe don't have an effect at all. It's not like a persons weight is that important to a ship.
  6. It's intended. There have been hundred sleeping bodies around before they removed it. But yea... quick way losing your stuff, drop the inv before you die.
  7. 10$ pro 0.8 = 10/4*5 = 12.5$/h? But didn't know they have a salary...
  8. Thought there would be more ppl screaming. But yea, they're fking annoying. Were farming fiber on another island, because it's ridiculously hard to get at our island and it's gone....
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