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About xyks

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  1. Is it possible to port Ark's Griffin to Atlas? It doesn't need a saddle, kinda fits Atlas lore and most importantly is one of the best features in Ark. If possible: Where would I start?
  2. VZW_Matt can't be praised enough for creating a tool that dynamically runs the grid the player(s) is/are on and the surrounding ones. This allows to travel the whole map with minimal server ressources, as long as you wish to play solo or with small groups. It is a working solution already: https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/ah2izu/release_atlas_server_controller_my_program_to/ Just want to make sure you see this :) And hope yo might consider implementing this in the game so people can have a nice (modded) singleplayer experience more conveniently. Certainly would allow people that can't sink so much time in the game to enjoy it.
  3. +1 This game deserves a singe player option once mods are out. Mods should help configuring a worthwhile singeplayer setup.
  4. I know Performance and Bugs are Priority No.1 right ow, but I was wondering about NPCs in town. Are there any vilalges yet, apart of the ones in the starter areas? Or are there plans for more NPCs than just those few vendors? You know the usual, people walking the streets, interacting with the environment and each other. The trailer pointed there and I really hope we will get those, since this would immensly drive immersion. I dont mind waiting some weeks or month for Atals to grow, but I was really hoping for complex human npcs. Would be great for the experience and even better for modders ;)
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