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Everything posted by Nutcutt3r

  1. Or you could just realize these are two peons trying to change the rest of the world. One that does not even play the game, and may not even "wipe in RL."
  2. Well throwing all common sense aside, absolutely nothing.
  3. I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT NOW!!! Ooops sry for the caps just channeling the OP.
  4. ^ Pretty much this. If you make the game actually work for the majority it wont matter. If you make it so a wipe fixes things....well you've already screwed the pooch, but this time he's gonna turn around and bite ya. https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/screw-the-pooch/ What does screw the pooch mean? We recommend not being too literal with this one. To screw the pooch is to make a big or humiliating mistake. If you somehow screwed an actual pooch (dog), dear friend, then you seriously screwed the pooch somewhere along the way.
  5. I think that is an Atlas bug that some have, maybe Antivirus or something not letting the game store the images. See if there are any in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ATLAS\ShooterGame\Saved\MapImagesCache This is a new one- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ATLAS\ShooterGame\Saved\NewMapImagesCache
  6. Yes, just tried again, not sure where to look but its strange. Is it because its Blackwood?
  7. Not sure what I am doing wrong but the map in ASC is different than the map that is current. I reloaded the JSON but it shows completely different island configuration than is on the server. Suggestions?
  8. I have this as well- two pc's two steam accounts cannot join. Update must have borked it.
  9. Dont let the door hit ya....again.
  10. Oh for god sakes no, the minigames are not a game at all. This I thought would be nice instead of just bouncing off SOTD. There are already the skins, just give them the damage and repair.
  11. Screw you and your crossplay talk. Oh and how thoughtful of you to suggest a wipe on a game you dont even play on. Nobody on PC cares if you spend your hard earned fifteen dollars on a console game, they have no interest in playing with a console. You dont even get the same maps, graphics or half the other items a PC does. ARK was the same. You get the console version special just for you.
  12. I never sen much of that, I suppose its where your at. Plus a lot of people complaining about tax are living in their parents basement not paying any, so...
  13. There is nothing wrong with sailing, if you dont know how to use beds properly thats your fault. Not everyone is from the I need it now generation.
  14. Wipe the server-wipe the population, if they don't realize it now they will shortly if they wipe anything.
  15. Who the hell wants cross play with a bunch of snotty kids that have aim assist because they are on console. OP is a perfect example.
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