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Everything posted by Badkebab

  1. Anyone had any joy placing these? "cannot be placed on floor" despite clearly trying to place it on a cliff
  2. I agree with complaints of watering down the game.
  3. Logged in after patch Stuck prone, no longer in company, waiting to starve to death, suicide cmd might be nice I see you have a bug report forum and issue has been reported sorry for new thread in wrong place
  4. Locking up someones character - I couldn't care less about I have two daughters I take the sexual extortion of minors over the Internet very seriously as do the laws in most civilised countries. What they are doing is not "a bit of fun" The "we were fooling around" defence has been tried by many sexual criminals What they are doing is actually illegal and I would urge once again the op to record what they are doing and inform his or her parents followed by the police. Its up to them to decide if a crime has been committed but we as a community should not condone or minimize this type of behaviour. To do so shows a lack of understanding for the broader consequences and impact of such behaviour. I have nothing further to add.
  5. A whole debate about being a responsible adult when it comes to sexual crime... Sounds like an odd debate but then the Swedish government had a debate over whether or not to forbid sex with animals so I'm not surprised. "it's not like there is anything horrible going on" someone is apparently blackmailing a minor for sexual gratification, how can you not think that's horrible...
  6. Yeah sorry can't help being a grown up and not codoning sexual extortion. I will happily be that guy all day every day.
  7. Im pretty sure what they are doing is actually illegal and I mean criminally illegal and if you are under 18 then I would guess evenmore so. Record these people demanding cyber sex from you and report it to the police. This is not a "kewl feature" what this boils down to is extortion/blackmail in an attempt to obtain sexual gratification and that is highly illegal. If you think this is harmless fun then I advise you take a long hard look at your moral compass and at what is actually going on here. If you have a child who's ball has been take away and another person is refusing to give it back unless sexual services are given it puts it into perspective. If I were you developers I would remove this feature immediately otherwise this may well blow up in your face. If the media gets a hold of this grapesshot will become instantly well known around the world for all the wrong reasons
  8. That having been said, mentally prepare yourself for the fact that at some point it will happen. Sooner or later a change will be made that can only me implemented with a server wipe, I can imagine changed to the claim system being one such example. So it is only a matter or time before it happens. So be ready
  9. One claim flag per person at start then the possibility to loot or craft more over time.
  10. Don't do this, go to claimed territory and try to slap down a claim flag on someone elses claim, chances are there are spots they are not active in and as such can be counter claimed. Solo players have bitten off more land than they can maintain so they are exposed to counter claiming
  11. The claim system needs a lot of work my company is forced to dispute claims just to try and get a foothold in some buildable land. I'm sure it will improve in time.
  12. You can stop searching there is no grail at the end of your quest, there are no claimable lands that haven't been claimed. You will have to rethink your strategy.
  13. Anyone else find it odd that turning your sail 180 degrees against the wind pushes your boat forward instead of dragging it backwards?
  14. One grid square i. E. One or two islands is one server. You aren't going to see large private servers.
  15. This is very disheartening, 20 mins is a drop in the ocean. My company sailed on two different rafts in different areas for more than 12 hours and its all claimed. Which means on a pve server there is nothing left besides building on lawless areas and accepting that it will all decay. I considered the pvp servers but from what I am hearing about dupe exploits and Chinese hordes doubt there is any fun to be had there.
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