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Posts posted by Vegetto

  1. Armor skins have 10 uses so they will stay in your inventory until you use them all, but sail and wheel skins won't stick to your inventory, if you die then you'll have to recover them from your body.

  2. 19 hours ago, RyuujinZERO said:

    Long ago a we beat a larger company to a claim on a tropical island, and before they left they built a bunch of foundations and beds.

    The foundations were fairly substantial in scope and scale (having the appearance of legit foundations for future construction), and built after the claim had failed for them, so we assumed they planned to build there, and, not being jerks, we didn't use our 24 hour demolish grace window on the structures, in case they wanted to move in anyway. But a week later, they hadn't returned, and still hadn't built up. So we kept an eye on the decay demolish timer and waitted for it to expire so we could clear it out and use that land ourselves.

    But a day before the timer expired, they re-appeared from the beds, refreshed the timers, and left once more. 

    This has been proving to be a cycle, every 9 days, they teleport back to the island, refresh the timers on their foundation spam, check to see if our flag has expired (It's paid up for like the next 2 months, so no), and leave once again. It's rather evident they are trying to wait us out of owning the island and the foundation spam is to lock down the land they want to build on, when or if we ever stop playing and get to claim the island (Which is unlikely for the foreseeable future)

    Is there another means by which a land owner can remove someone else's structures, besides the 24 hour grace window after a settler first moves in, and the extremely generous 10+ day decay timer that is refreshed just by teleporting and back out?


    (We welcome the idea of having settlers on our island, free stuff from bonus taxes and reduced upkeep costs are always welcome. But our island isn't very big, and they're occupying a lot of prime space other players could be building on, not to mention another of their foundations is blocking one of the few metal patches on the island)

    1. Its your mistake that you failed to demo their structures within 24hr window, you thought they placed the foundations for settling there(NOPE), this is usually the case when someone can't claim island then they just spam it, I've seen this happening multiple times.
    2. Flag decays in 10 days of inactivity even if it has a million gold.
    3. You are stuck with those foundations until (a) they give up, (b) you leave the game, (c) some admin takes care of that(which seems unlikely now as we haven't heard from devs for a while now)
    There is no other way to get rid of structures except decaying. You'll have to live with the spammed foundations or submit a ticket in case an admin thinks of dealing with it. 🙂

  3. 20 hours ago, NoTown said:

    Just wanted to get a clearly understanding of boat decay. Read a lot that they do decay but experience different. Its been well over 2 weeks and these boats are still abandon here. I know people are now spawning on them due to no beds being on them anways. Just curious how it works. Also read that if you get on the boat even if you dont own it, it will reset the decay timer. 

    Nobody knows the exact interval, its like 2-3 weeks but if anyone gets on the boat then the timer resets.

  4. 3 hours ago, xx0zill said:

    hey everyone, currently floating around i7/i8 and  I was wondering on what grid there's a good island to tame bears? and what specific island that may be. hopefully someone has an answer because I need to train some 😄


    fyi can be anywhere on the map, I dont care for a bit of sailing.

    Eastern and Central tundra. Look for islands with less dense forest so you can easily spot bears.

  5. 12 hours ago, Sir Green Day said:

    My base is on D5.

    I've looked all over this tile and have gone south to the tropics at D6-7, but I can't find any sap or sugar anyplace.

    Is there a biome in which its more prevalent?

    Its driving me crazy.


    I'm 99.99% sure all islands in D6 have sugars as its Western Tropics some may also have honey.

    For finding resources use antihax.github.io or exploreatlas.co.uk


    Sugars can be harvested from tiny bushes usually hidden under some other bushes.

  6. 8 hours ago, kolonelu said:

    This is a question for the devs !!, please provide an answer for the following situation:: two companies decide to form a single one, choosing the option "merge companies"
    Company B has an island of 53 points, and company A has an island  24 points! , Company B invited the owner of company A to join the company, and he accessed the option "merge" companies
    After the 24-point company owner clicked on the merge option, he entered in company B, but at the same time he  lost the island, the resources, the bank and the flag were demolished and other people came to the island and made a claim.
    Is this situation normal? I mention that after all the people joined company B, the new one have  95 points, more than enough to hold the two islands, they together have 77 points!
    Please tell us if the option merge companies results in the loss of one of the islands!?, and please tell us if we can recover the island, and the situation worked as intended

    Claimed islands do not carry over when companies merge.
    If Company A invites Company B to merge then Company B will lose its claim, its an intended feature.

  7. 3 hours ago, Coldpaws said:

    been reading that the razor tooths like to breed in the following areas, mountain peaks east and west temperate the same thing in tundra?, but I got no clue where to look at

    Hot areas are preferred to breed razors, we did it in desert but can also be done in equatorial. You can do it in High and low desert F to J in grids 4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12.

  8. 2 hours ago, Winter Thorne said:

    My claim flag is giving me the standard info -  1 settler, time till next payment, etc.  There's enough gold in the flag for a couple weeks.  But in the upper right corner of the screen it says - Unclaimed Settlement.

    Has anyone else seen this?

    It's a very old bug, rejoin and it should be fixed, happens due to network drops or sometimes when you fast travel to bed.

    • Thanks 1

  9. 2 hours ago, Realist said:

    So would a master work speed sail only add acceleration and not more speed? 

    hopefully it would add a lot more speed or blueprints wouldn’t be too useful for that

    Max speed stat has been removed from speed sails as per patch notes. only stat I know is turning effectiveness on speed sail.
    I might be wrong so feel free to correct me.


  10. This has happened multiple times with my bears as well.
    keep the bear on follow and then hit it with a spyglass this will push the bear,  keep pushing it towards the sea and it'll eventually get out.

  11. 39 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    Let's think about this statement for a minute. Vegetto's argument essentially boils down to his right as a player to build where he chooses undisturbed trumps your right as a player to do your treasure map content. There is a component to the discussion at hand about how responsible the devs are for designing the game in such a way that it creates this situation, for now let's put that aside on the assumption that the devs cannot easily resolve or restructure this issue in the short term.

    Vegetto I understand you are upset about the loss of your assets and the time invested in them. You have my sympathy. In your shoes I would also be unhappy and upset. However, when you tell other players they should simply throw the map away if they arrive at the marker and it is built upon, doing so is not materially different from others telling you that you should build elsewhere. In both cases it is players placing their own desires ahead of others. Here is the thing that is materially different:

    You get decide where and how you build. Players don't get to decide where their maps are located and are unaware whether the location is blocked until they arrive, sometimes from very far away. When your position is they should throw the map away, you aren't putting your desires against user1's or whatever player spawned his map in your pen, you are putting your desires ahead of every player who ever gets a map in that spot.

    User1 put forward a very practical and sensible suggestion. When players discover they have built on a spawn marker, if they do not wish to move, they should rebuild the structure on pillars. This would allow access to the map location, and the onetime inconvenience to you is, in the grand scheme of things preferable to the ongoing inconvenience to the entire rest of the player base. You would also get the benefit in doing so of protecting yourself against future actions like you just experienced. Demon Meliodas can go on about player owners rights all he wants but the fact is that won't change the anger of players upset when they can't reach the spawn point for the map, anger that is understandable when the map is high value, travel has been far, and the sacrifice of throwing the map away is considerable. The reality for you and players in your situation is, you can either rebuild to remove the problem, or stamp your foot in the ground and stand on your rights, and risk having the same thing happen again.

    Again, Vegetto you have my sympathies. I have lost tames and bred tames to any number of problems in Ark and Atlas both, due to player created situations and none player created situations. It's disheartening, I totally get that. At some point the devs may choose to rework the system in such a way to solve this problem, but until then we must deal with it as players.

    Speaking of devs, @Jatheish, I'm sorry but the fact this problem exists strongly suggests that either there is no internal testing of Atlas or that it is woefully inadequate, as this is the sort of thing that should have shown up if not at the drawing board stage, then certainly in early pve internal tests as problematic. If you allow building of structures and don't allow other players to destroy those structures, then it's not exactly a blinding insight for someone sitting in a brainstorming session to say "okay, but what if a treasure map spawns inside that structure?" Could we please get a response as to whether this is something that is being looked at by the development team, and given it's fundamentally long term problematic nature, if not an explanation of why?

    At the very least could we get a review of the treasure map spawn point pool to eliminate obviously highly desirable build locations for players such as on wide open flat land or scenic overlooks by waterfalls etc?

    For everyone involved in this discussion, calling each other griefers and other pejorative terms doesn't solve the problem, it just makes discussion less productive and compromise less acheivable. If you know someone more willing than less to compromise with someone decrying their character, I would like to meet them. 

    I agree with you that I had a choice to build there and the person with map didn't.

    But the person who had the map also had a choice at that situation 1. Wait until the owners come online, 2. Throw the map, 3. Spawn army and let it kill all the tames.

    So as much as its my fault to build there it doesn't make the person who spawned the army and dragged it around to kill tames innocent.

    Nobody sails 7 grids away for 1 map.

    Lets Consider that person sailed 7 grids away for only one map which was in my pen. In this situation anybody would just park their boat and tp to home for farming or doing other things. I've been in that situation.

    But map weilder decided to not wait and spawn army due to the frustration of not being able to do the map. Sailing back and forth without doing map costed him 4 hrs but that person's actions out of frustration costed us our 700 hrs of finding, taming and breeding animals.


  12. Toxic people and griefers defending griefers.

    If blocking off spawn is griefing then killing someones entire hardwork is also griefing.

    We haven't blocked any dp on our island and neither any resources. Its a 15 pt island which is the smallest on entire map. Only place to build on is mountain. In the past when someone needed access inside pen for treasure map we let them in and helped. Then made sure to build on that spot so treasure map should not generate for that spot but It still happened  army spawned inside the hut(screenshot in 3rd post) and some crybaby was angry because he was unable to do 1 map out if his 20 maps due to it being in someones base and nobody was online because not all people like him are playing 24x7.

    I understand its early access and it has problems but you should also understand the same and not opt to grief others of their hardwork.

    And the person who spawned the army made sure to drag it all the way to other areas of our pen to make sure every animal will die just because they just love griefing.

    There's a dedicated server for griefing people which is PvP. Toxic people like you are the problem in this game.

    @Jatheish @Dollie this kind of toxic behaviour is responsible for player count in PvE along with content.

    Good luck @Kummba @user1 defending your griefer friends. GL HF with griefing.

    Peace Out.

  13. 9 minutes ago, user1 said:




    As for being selfish and ignorant: You seem not to realize how ignorant and selfish you are when you put your own problems above mine.

    Get your stupid pen out of the way and the problem would be solved too.

    You are calling me selfish and ignorant, but you show an amazing reluctance to move your own ass out of the way for anyone else!

    first of all calm down. you don't have to shout at him.
    You can grief if someone refused to let you inside the pen but you chose to grief instead of communicating.
    and nobody sails 7 grids away for 1 map so you probably have 10 other maps to do and you can do those as well. Not being able to do 1 map is not a big deal.
    You can just wait for the owners to come online as people have things to do and have jobs so can't be online 24x7.
    Our island is small and the only place to build a pen is on cliff.
    And yes your language shows your AGE.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Forb Hidden said:

    anstelle dich zu melden, schreib ich dir nochmal gaaaaanz genau meine sicht:

    nach 2...4h segeln, endlich Am Ziel angekommen und voller Vorfreude auf XP und BPs ist es eine Frechheit, wenn jemand den Spot zugebaut hat. Dies wiederum ist "griefing", Da es verboten ist, Dinge für andere zu blockieren oder unzugänglich zu machen.

    Wenn ich der Flachzange, Die Da gebaut habe So einen Denkzettel verpasse, fühle ich mich sogar gut dabei und in gönnerstimmung. Soll sich freuen, dass ich ihn nicht gemeldet habe und ganz still wieder seinem dasein nachgehen.

    Im Gegensatz zu manch anderen hier, läuft mein RL super und ich brauche keine Pixel, um mich zu profilieren und selber anzulügen.

    Noch was für Deinen zukünftigen weg: wenn Du Leute nicht kennst, solltest du nicht voreilig mit persönlichen Anschuldigungen und Beleidigungen um dich schiessen. Das wird dir früher oder später So manche Tür versperren oder dir die Tür ins Gesicht schlagen.


    So it took you 4 hrs to sail ? even though you live in J11? 
    I know you got that map 7-8 regions away but people usually wait in this kind of situations. I've met your company mates who are way better than you. such a shame you chose to grief on PvE because you are too scared to play PvP.

  15. 13 minutes ago, Forb Hidden said:

    All who know me in RL and in the game can confirm you, that u will never find a person who is that direct, fair and honest to you as I am. Most of the people can't handle it, becouse we all live in a poisoned world full of fake people.

    And react angry in the topic situation is logical natural. Sure I asked for someone and of course I checked every door or gate before. At least I felt "time robbed" and griefed of this idiots who built around there and I leaved a line in his guestbook 👿 and to be honest: in another, same situation I would do it again without any regrets.

    direct, fair and honest? really?
    Killing someones hard work just because you can't wait for some time ?
    this is the most retarded thing I've heard. Sucks to suck mate. hope your 12 yo ass is happy doing that.

    • Thanks 2
    • Sad 1

  16. 16 minutes ago, Forb Hidden said:

    After so much time it's surely not the first map in your pen. 

    So if u know about that problem, why did you build there? And would u like to wait several hours to maybe be able to ask for it? Don't think so.

    I saw a lot of pens on my voyages where the treasurespot was inside. Honestly if I travel 2 or more hours to that map and because of someones pen I can't reach it... I get mad and angry and I have spawned the army if it's possible to let the owner take notice of his wrong placed pen. 

    And I would do it again to handle my frustration and aggressions in this situation.

    If you see the picture aod clearly spawned inside a building and yes we've also experienced this situation that treasure spot is inside someone's base and we ask owners if they are not online then just tp to base and keep farming because we opt not to be a griefer and spawn army inside someone's base.

    We kept the gates unlocked for a while but someone dragged an alpha inside and killed some of our animals but I was online at that moment and was able to save most of them.

    Edit: we can't build a pen anywhere else as its a very tiny island and most of our resources will be blocked of we build somewhere else.

    • Sad 1

  17. 3 minutes ago, Martyn said:

    Yeh.  I saw your msg ingame.  I agree. 

    I've seen this before, some greek guys came to our base on eu pve, spawned a map inside the base, most of the aod were stuck inside our smithy area, but several escaped to kill nearby tames.  Which were on neutral.  The aod seem to be immune to non player mounted tame damage, or take considerably less than might be expected in a map fight.

    I've noticed the unmounted tames fighting alongside seem to miss alot or don't even hit the aod.. certainly not as often as a mounted tame does.  Their attacks are much slower.  Possibly to try to nerf tame farming for mythos.. etc. 

    I just got home from vacation so that person might have been a different one who had same incident.

    So out of ~40 tames only 4 elephants survived.
    It has been 5 hrs since army killed our tames but its still inside our pen and has not despawned.

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