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Everything posted by Firedragon

  1. Yeah, using metal as well and organic paste makes absolutly no sense.
  2. If you have access to the .json, just use the Editor to get it.
  3. Hier aus den Patchnotes zu 15.61 Ich habs noch nicht getestet, aber es wird sich wohl um eine der Powerstone Inseln handeln.
  4. I hate to nit-pick bcuz my grammar is not the best, but... There are lots off odd / weird, cut off, lower case when origial is upper case only, reverted back to english even if it was already translated and misspellings in the new german localization files. Ex. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "(10/10) Vergiß nicht, dass dir jede Insel, die du entdeckst und betrittst, dir dir Möglichkeit gibt deinen maximal erreichtbaren Level anhebt und dir einen zeitweiligen Bonus auf erhaltene XP gibt. Im Klartext heiß das, DASS DU ENTDECKUINGEN MACHEN MUSST, WENN DU EINEN HÖHEREN LEVE ERREICHEN WILLST!\n Das Skill-System ist umfangreich und verzweigt, voller speziellier Fähigkeiten, die dich noch stärker machen, Talente zum Fertigen von allerlei Dingen wie Schwerter und Schilde, Feuerwaffen, Kanonen, Schiffe, Munition, Nahrung und selbst kreierte Rezepte usw. Für den Fall, dass du bei der Wahle deiner Fähigkeiten einen Fehler gemacht hast, kannst du diesen, und alle andern gewählten Fähigkeiten, wieder rückgängig machen, indem du in deinem Inventar {ShowMyInventory} auf ein bestimmtes Icon klickst. Also, keine Angst damit zu experimentieren, Fehler sind nicht ausszuschließen, aber verzeihbar.\n Dieses Tutorial ist viel zu kurz, um alles erklären zu können. Zieh los und mache sammle Erfahrungen aus Experimenten und Fehlern und teile diese mit deinen Freunden.\nEins noch: Bitte habe Geduld. Wir tun alles, um aus einem phenomenalem Piratenerlebnis das beste zu machen, das es jemals gab." Fleisch und Leder sind unerläßlich, um den Freihafen verlassen zu können. Geschwindi_keitsmultiplikator ZUGANGSRANG INVENTAR >>> INVENTAR ZUGANGSRANG FADENKREUZ An/Aus: >>> FADENKREUZ ERLAUBEN: (orig. ALLOW CROSSHAIR:) ERLAUBE EIGENE REZEPTE: >>> EIGENE REZEPTE ERLAUBEN: FLUGTIER TRANSPORT (PVE): >>> ERLAUBE PVE FLUGTIER TRANSPORT: (orig. ALLOW FLYER CARRY PVE:) Schlauere Crew >>> Verbesserte Crew Ausbildung (orig. Advanced Crew Education) Beschwöre mit Tribut ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Whoever passed this (and lots more) did a real bad job. Even if you c&p text into something like Word to spellcheck first you would see it. Please speak to your staff and hire at least someone who brings out the quality it needs to be!
  5. Ja, das ist aus dem Grund der Spielintegrität, diese sind teil des Download paketes und werden auch beim überprüfen auf Fehler neu zum herunterladen angefordert. Das die game.ini und gameusersettings.ini Einstellungen löscht ist mir bisher nicht aufgefallen, einzig werden diese überschrieben die durch ausführen des Servers mit seinen Startoptionen verbunden sind. Danke für die Info, ich werde darauf achten wie das bei unseren Atlas Server ist und ggf. dazu das Tutorial anpassen.
  6. Die meisten Settings kann man auch in den Startbefehl der .exe einbauen.
  7. Please don't copy paste always the whole post and cut it down your question is reagarding to. To your question, it has always to be a free and not used port from something else for not getting blocked. Please if posting, keep it english as the chinese / german translatior is horrible and i have trouble to understand it.
  8. 1. Nein die Wale können dort eingetragen werden wo sie seien sollen > XYZ anpassen. 2. Trag das wenn in die ini Dateien ein die im Saved Ordner liegen, jede Zone hat seine eigene.
  9. Ok, die Ports sind nicht doppelt in der .json (das EINZIG wichtige), aber etwas durcheinander angelegt und macht es bei Freigaben schwer einen Überblick zu behalten. Das bedeutet, das " Unable to query server info " liegt an einem der folgenden wie bereits bei den anderen: Man verwendet eine dyndns anstelle einer direkten IP Falsche Einträge in der BaseServerArgs Der RCON Port fällt auf einen Query, Game oder Seamless Port Alle startbefehle müssen ein "?RCONEnabled=true?RCONPort=28001" mit fortlaufenden Port haben Eine doppelte oder blockierende Einstellung für den RCON Port im Saved Ordner zu den jeweiligen Zonen in der "GameUserSettings.ini" Es wird eine AtlasID verwendet die schon benutzt wird Der Home Server ist überlastet Der Home Server ist nicht richtig gestartet Die Verbindung wird zu schnell nach gerade gestarteten Home Server versucht Die Redis Datenbank ist defekt Inseln auf denen bereits gebaut wurde sind nachträglich verändert worden Der Character befindet sich auf einer anderen Zone die überlastet ist Der Character befindet sich auf einer anderen Zone die nicht (richtig) gestartet ist Eine Einstellung in der Windows Firewall ist falsch Eine Einstellung im Router ist falsch Der verwendete Router / PC benötigen einen Neustart Der Server oder das Spiel haben eine zu weit auseinanderliegende Version > Updaten Ein anderes Programm blockiert einen Port Der Provider verwendet ipv6 ohne ipv4 Fallback Der Provider limitiert die zur verfügung stehenden Ports Es wird ein Router verwendet der bekannterweise für Probleme bekannt ist, z.B. Speedport von der Telekom Will man vom selben PC auf dem der Server läuft verbinden, fehlendes Loopback vom Router oder per Microsoft Loopback Eine Sicherheitssoftware blockiert (Antivirenschutz / Malwarescanner / Internet Security XXXXX (McAffee, Kasperski... etc.) Es wird ein Manager zum starten für den Atlas Server verwendet der die Ports nicht wieder freigibt (ASM Version < 4.0) PS: Das hin und hertauschen von .json profilen hat Einwirkungen auf die Redis Datenbank sowie den Saved Ordner!!!
  10. There are two options, either for a whole grid, or per island. Grid: [ServerSettings] DifficultyOffset=1.000000 OverrideOfficialDifficulty=0.100000 or " FinalNPCLevelMultiplier " in settings for the island. (A few islands have it per default at 10.0)
  11. Only if your saved folder and redis database still interferes with data from 7x7 there is a slight chance doing this. If it was empty and started a new, no!
  12. I can't say anything to what i can't test. Before thinking about an upgrade, get your machine connectable and atlas running properly.
  13. Make sure not to copy & paste out of this forum, it might add extra letters and break starting it up.
  14. FYI, the user crossposted and i have already answered in my thread to his question.
  15. settings.json contains "RCONPort": 28001, but it doesn't add it to the startline > thus we had the problem rcon was at random and didn't work with atlasupdater. If it runs on the same PC, it would be nice to add this as an option. Could you add a function to check for it, for ex. if it repeatly trys to start the grids within 30 seconds to stop or delay until it stops (including options to configure it)? It was a big issue and we had to call our service manager to reboot (pay service) our server as it is not at home. Good to know, didn't think this would work and are fixed options.
  16. Did you see my post here? As well, could you add a timer option when rcon gets polled? For our dedicated server yours is too fast. It takes around 180 sec to get all grids startet > your tool already tries to rcon before they are up and running.
  17. Omfg... you are for real hosting this on a single machine... it must take ages to start it up. First thing, EVERYONE who have trouble should do this > change "loglevel notice" to "loglevel verbose" in redis conf. It will display 2 connections per grid and makes it easier to see if all hosted grid's are connected. Second thing, make sure the game doesn't block itself. Common error is to have seamless port blocked from rcon port >>> All startlines should cotain "?RCONEnabled=true?RCONPort=28001" with a different port per grid!!! You can check saved folder for each grid in "Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini" if there is rcon port blocking other ports used by the game. Even having 128GB, hosting 36 grids with around 3 to 6 Islands each, even if it runs, it won't last for very long. Problems with hosting 36 grids are ment to happen if it's hosted by a single PC. Starting to build in grid's and having more and more users connecting will double or tenfold your RAM and CPU usage!!! As for your json file, every query, game and seamless port is different and not the reason. My suggestion is, for testing purpose try a 2x2 if your problem continues and use it to look for them. It the problem stays, check your PC's firewall and any related security software if extra settings are needed. After getting your PC configuration to work, you really should think about making your grids usage smaller.
  18. First thing is, after you create your char you choose a home server, for ex. your B2. Logging out somewhere else without dying should re-spawn you without loss where you logged out as long it's connectable via internet. If that's impossible, either someone or an animal killed your char while beeing offline. Dead > re-spawn on a bed from you or company, otherwithe your home server > B2. To spawn on another home server, you have to switch it before you can spawn there. For ex. your E4. "Unable to query server info for invite" <- either the grid it tries to connect your char is on high load, your ports are blocked, your config in json is wrong (for ex. mixing up ports or using ports twice), a security related software / hardware intervenes. To have a 6x6 running on a single pc is tough, 1x redis server plus 36 instances of ShooterGameServer.exe is ment to not work properly. Even when i have 2x2 on my PC running, it eats around 12 to 20 GB of RAM and 30% or more CPU load. Even the official servers host at max 4 grids on a single PC and add the next PC to the redis server via configuration. It's easy to set multi PC's up, it's just a matter of handling .json to configure it in the correct way.
  19. I can't help without any details. My tutorial contains just a setup and some ports + ip to enter, the rest is portforwarding and to get your PC reachable. Most times is just using ports twice (every port can be used ONCE) or something else blocking it.
  20. I've tested a little bit with v2.0.0.1 @JetFox "SteamUpdateScript": "C:\\ATLAS\\Atlas-Starter\\ServerUpdater.cfg", "BackupDirectory": "C:\\ATLAS\\Atlas-Starter\\Backup\\00", "GameServerPath": "C:\\Atlas", "SteamUpdateScript" and "GameServerPath" is a one time setting and there is no need to add it for every grid you add. I would change " BackupDirectory " function to be a single "Saved" folder backup as it honors your unique "SaveName's". As for the backups filename, i suggest to use Atlas-Date-Time and add to disable "ServerBackupBroadcast". Just backing up "saved" folder doesn't do the trick, it's missing to backup your important "redis_atlasdb.rdb" that goes with it. There is a bug to use rcon > "RCONPort": 28001 < doesn't add ?RCONEnabled=true?RCONPort=28001 [19.01.2019 05:45:54] [Error]: Unable to open RCON: Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden, da der Zielcomputer die Verbindung verweigerte AtlasUpdater doesn't check if "redis-server.exe" is running. If redis gets shutdown or crashes, it floods restarting all grids leading to high server load. [19.01.2019 06:36:00] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 10' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:00] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 11' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:00] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 01' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:01] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 00' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:04] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 10' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:04] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 11' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:04] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 01' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:04] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 00' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:08] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 10' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:08] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 11' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:08] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 01' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:08] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 00' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:11] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 10' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:11] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 11' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:11] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 01' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:11] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 00' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:14] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 10' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:15] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 11' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:15] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 01' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:15] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 00' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:18] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 10' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:18] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 11' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:18] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 01' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:18] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 00' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:21] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 10' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:22] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 11' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:22] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 01' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. [19.01.2019 06:36:22] [Warning]: Server 'Server Zone 00' exited unexpectedly. Restarting server.. AtlasUpdater is missing to add options to the zone like: ?DayCycleSpeedScale=0.500000?DayTimeSpeedScale=0.500000?NightTimeSpeedScale=2.000000?DinoCountMultiplier=2.000000?ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=0.700000?bAllowUnlimitedRespecs=true You can workaround tough if you hijack "GameServerMap" and add it after "ocean". It would be nice if you could update your tool. Thanks a lot
  21. The game is optimized only to use 4, if you have more, you have to add " -allcores "
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