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About reyfor11

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  1. apart from griefing, id take rafts because im lazy to build another, tho its easy to make one. you can also get one really easy on free ports. rafts arent that worth. theres nothing you can do alone with a raft, should go to a pve server cause you wont be able to fight anyone nor build big ships. and its not like you cant destroy their raft with 4 guys standing on top of it, so letting noobs to steal raft is fun and makes it easier for someone who starts fresh for the first time or after being wiped. put a 20 min or 15 min cooldown to steal a raft and thats it. i prefer someone stealing it and using it, than having 4 guys sink it for lolz.
  2. there are countless rafts all over to steal one if they needed one, you can also get one easy on freeports, and are not hard to make. same with sloops, it shouldnt take 8 hours for it. just dont leave it on the beach like a newbie, thats how it is on ark too. if you dont wanna lose your boat hide it, defend it with different time zones members, npcs, etc. and if you do lose it then try and steal another one, or build a new one. i mean, stealing is the least of the problems, any group bigger than 20 can sunk your ship by just standing there, or zergs destroying it with grenades, or alphas with whatever they use. just like ark. if you give people the change to steal anything, then it wouldnt matter as much if someone steals or wipes it
  3. would be more fun if we could take boats from people faster. the only reason why people get mad by losing their boat is cause they have to get the mats all over again, build a port, then the boat, etc. but if we could play like pirates and steal any boat (not instantely, but not 20 hours later) people wouldnt be as mad. let us place npcs that protect your boat like turrets in ark, but not with that damn auto aim that kills you in one sec and need giant dinosaurs to tank. just a good ai that fights you in hard difficulty and protects your ship, if someone manages to kill them then they could take that ship after waiting an hour (for example), make it so hard that you need pistols or something to raid the boat. its not like pirates built their own boats everytime they got rektd lol. if you find another ones boat in the middle of the ocean and raid it, (online or offline) would be fun to take it or salvage it like in "Sid miers pirates" put npc ships on the ocean like navys from spain, etc like in real life that hunts you and you gotta protect from them, being able to loot their boat and take it too. make it had to get a boat, but not with a 20 hour countdown, be creative.
  4. It will help everyone having issues with their broken home servers not being able to log in for hours or days. all we need is being able to change homeworld from browser, theres no reason to not having that option. since we already are allowed to change whenever we can in game, let us on server browser too so everyone can play. while you fix the server issues we could change homes, since theres always a dead server.
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