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Jean Lafitte

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Everything posted by Jean Lafitte

  1. Ok, I've looked at all these posts claiming hacking. And while I have no doubt that hacking is occuring, the vast majority of the 'evidence' I've seen so far has been dubious or anecdotal. Of those threads you've shown above, only one definitely shows a hacker using a well known tool to cheat with. All of the others prove nothing and provide no concrete evidence. A chick swimming naked in the ocean dying to one bullet isn't all that surprising. A video of a guy running around killing wolves and bitching for 10 minutes about hacking is not proof. A picture of a floating bear is not proof of hacking. It is proof that the game is bugged. I've seen flying crewmembers and bears myself that had nothing to do with hacking. I've had a carriage floating in my harbor for days now not even attached to a horse. If you want me to believe, show me. Provide concrete evidence and I'll jump on your bandwagon. Until then, I remain skeptical.
  2. Haven't tried since the patch, but in the past you couldn't use a paintbrush on a canvas. You could only paint them solid colors. This meant that you couldn't save the canvas as a template, edit it with another program and then, reload it into the game. Supposedly, you could take a picture with the compass feature and create paintings with that but again, the canvas wouldn't see that template and not load it.
  3. My cat had kittens. Me, my mom, my dad, my wife, my 2 kids, my 4 neighbors, 8 cousins and the garbage man all had to take a week off work and school so they didn't die and we could all still have a life. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to milk a cat???? very realistic game.
  4. And I have no doubt that you've spent a great deal of time and effort in this game and I'm not criticizing you for your opinion. I simply disagree and here's why. If this game ever limits the number of claims based upon corporation size or head count, one of the founding principles of the game will be lost. There are numerous examples throughout RL history of individuals rising from the peasantry to become emperor. Atlas is one of the few MMO's where that incredible feat is possible. Very unlikely, but possible. It makes that possible by not placing limits on a system of land claims that rightly should be controlled by the players. Politics, diplomacy, war, intrigue, spies and a host of other player generated content are all possible because of a system run by players. Should they ever limit the number of claims, all of that vanishes. In PVE, players will eventually reach the point where they have all the gear they could possibly need. They'll have all the ships they could possibly need and they'll have all the tames they could possibly need. They will have built all the structures they could want and they will have completed the high end content multiple times. If a system is implemented that limits claims, there will be no point in logging in as there will be nothing to do that hasn't been done. EVE Online is coming up on it's 16th anniversary. As of this writing, the 24 hour peak was 32,696. You don't keep that may people playing a game for that many years with just dev created content. Those kinds of numbers can only be generated by a system that promoted player generated content. Now, that being said, if you've ever brought up the radial menu on another person (and this may be a corp owner/admin thing only), there's something there of interest. You can declare war on them. When/if this becomes possible in PVE, I believe you're going to see the face of Atlas change drastically. Until such time though, my opinion is stay the course. It's still a very young and developing political system. Let's see what alliances form, what intrigue develops, let's see what content the players can create.
  5. Good idea. Go to any FOY island near the cave entrance and I want you to put in a support ticket for every single ship you see there that's abandoned. Come back here in a week or two when you're done and tell me how that went.
  6. I don't know what your particular issue is and I'm not trying to judge anyone. What I'm trying to do is prove that claiming land isn't nearly as impossible as everyone would like to think. I just took a claim over the weekend to solidify one of our bases, 2 weeks ago a neighbor saw that we had a couple of claims and an outpost in a polar region and demolished several adjoining claims they had so that we could get some metal nodes and 'have some room to spread out'. He did this voluntarily without us asking. Why? We've been good neighbors. In 3 days, there's another waterfront claim I've been wanting in order to remove some structures that are blocking another of our claims. I'll be watching it with particular interest. It's not quantitative, it's qualitative. If you want the claims, they are there and often just for the asking. If you come into a grid and immediately bitch about how every single spot is taken, you're likely be told there's nothing there for you. If you come into a grid looking to settle some land and you're willing to take a few risks in order to reap the rewards, then the system will work, exactly as it's intended to. The only logic that fails most people in this game is how to be diplomatic, causing your unbalanced system to work even less in their favor.
  7. And, I'd suggest you do the same. You should think about the claim owner when parking your ships because you're not talking about a visitor who's going to be there a few hours. You're talking about resident parking. The harbor in our main base is pretty small. We barely have room for our own ships and often have to make room when someone comes to visit. On other claims we have plenty of room for ship parking. If someone who lived inland were to come to me and ask to park a ship, I'd gladly open a claim, show them where to park and let them build their own pier and boathouse. If someone just parked their ships on one of our claims without asking, I'd be looking for a way to get rid of them, which is exactly what this post is all about.
  8. Got a parrot that's been sitting pretty much in the same place for over a month. Passive, disable wandering, disable following.
  9. Certainly. Just talked to a group of players from a small company in our discord last night. When they came to Atlas, they started, like many, on a lawless island. From there, they thought outside the box. They went to a polar region. Why? Because like me, they knew nobody else would want those claims because it was too cold, there were too many wolves, there were too many yeti, there were no veggies, there was no fiber, there were too many game elements that made it a challenge to survive, which is not what most people want. From those claims in that polar region, they went to other grids, farmed what they couldn't find on the polar island and began building infrastructure. Now, they're sitting on a rich pile of cobalt that grows like weeds and one of the few easy ways of gathering mythos, something that's going to be even more highly prized as more people get into crafting higher level gear. Yesterday, I paid them a brief visit on their tundra claim and opened up one of our claims so they could build on it. They spent the weekend taming an elephant and a giraffe and were about to build a new stable to house them. When I stopped there, they were all working together to tame a high level bear. They now have 23 claims. Yesterday, I asked them to merge with us. They've been gaming together for a couple of years now and understand that it requires effort to succeed in a game like Atlas. Not once have they asked for a handout, not once did they get on the forums and demand a claim and not once have I heard them complain about their 'lot in life.' They took lemons and made lemonade. Those are the kind of people I want to play Atlas with.
  10. If not wanting a pile of ships in my harbor that don't belong to me is 'protecting my area,' then yes, that's me. Inland claims without beach or water claims? I suggest you make friends with your neighbors and get build rights on a water claim. Otherwise, you're likely pissing them off by leaving your ships on their claim.
  11. You shouldn't. If you can find all the content you need on that island to enjoy the game, stay there. But the fact that you're here asking that question suggests that perhaps you're not. The way you've worded that question also suggest that you expect something from owning a claim. A claim will give you nothing you don't already have. I think the question you should ask yourself is not, what's the benefit, but what am I missing? Atlas is not a game that will entertain you. It's a toy that you have to play with to entertain yourself. You create the real content. The game only facilitates that. The best content, is the content created when interacting with others. So, the real question is, who would you meet, what interactions would you have, what content would be created if you suddenly decided to load up your ship and sail off into the sunset in search of that elusive claim? In games like Atlas, it's not about the destination. It's about the journey.
  12. Read the entire thread. I'm trying to give land away. But I'm not going to give it to some jackass who's going to come to the island and piss off our neighbors, our friends and our allies. Now if you know you're an asshole, fine. You can sit here and bitch about having 'issues' ... and I'll keep sitting on that land until I find someone who REALLY wants it. And to those that are struggling for a piece of the pie for themselves, I'm offering you a slice. You can either bitch that the piece isn't big enough, or it's the wrong flavor or... you can take it and see what you can make of it. Your choice.
  13. Had the same problem today. The guy with the map passed it to me, they spawned instantly.
  14. I appreciate the offer. I really do want to get into breeding for both stats and colors. However, until the whole insane methodology is reworked, I refuse to participate in their sleep deprivation experiments and I encourage you to do the same. If you participate, they will assume it's working. 24 hours is possible, yes. Logical? No. Healthy? No. Fun? No. But you know that already. I relish a challenge. Breeding, as it stands now, is not a challenge, it's bullshit.
  15. Wrong again. I took a claim. I wasn't whining because I couldn't find one. I wasn't on the forums demanding some tropical paradise. I took a claim that had no fiber on the island at all. I took a claim on an island that has 2 metal nodes, which I still haven't found. Why? Because I knew nobody else would want it. I had to sail a raft 2 grids south, collect enough fiber to build a sloop and sail back. With that sloop, I sailed back south and collected enough fiber to build a schooner. I pounded rocks with a pickaxe to get metal. I slowly expanded to 12 claims by taking what no one else wanted. I intentionally went to the tundra because I knew people were too lazy to work to achieve goals... too... entitled. "Oh, it's too cold, oh, there are too many aggros, oh, there's no fiber. oh, it depresses me." We... my crew and I... now have 81 claims and it started on a tundra island, 3 weeks after launch with a raft and a claim someone decided was too hard for them to work. NONE of it was luck. I counted on humans being exactly the way they are. And each of those that have merged with us, have stories just like this. I say again, think outside the box.
  16. You are not thinking outside the box. You expect to just run up, drop a flag and bam, you're a land owner. Try that IRL.
  17. It was 18 pigs. I'm down to 5 all lvl 30+. They sit outside our stable as 'bait.' Any aggressive animal, short of an alpha, that wanders into our yard... gets rootered. We hear a bunch of squealing, a bunch of grunting followed by... Bacon just killed a wolf lvl XX. Double tame, <5 minutes with maize and you have your first soldier. Put them into a tame group and use j and u to move them around. Set them on neutral and they'll assist each other. That group of 18 has lasted more than 2 weeks now and are still killing. And our gardener loves the insta poop.
  18. My experience is going better because I made it go better. I did not sail by islands and say, 'oh damn, that one is all claimed.' I did not run around the island I landed on and start pissing off the neighbors by trying to take their claims. I did not yell at everyone who pulled into my harbor and say, "Get the fuck off my land." I'm going to say this again. You can't expect to join a game like this or EVE Online and immediately declare yourself emperor supreme and expect everyone to not laugh at you. But if you aren't willing to put forth the effort, if you aren't willing to make friends and if you aren't willing to learn the art of diplomacy then the only thing stopping you from becoming emperor in Atlas... is you. As far as I'm concerned, the claim system works as intended.
  19. Was out in the sloop taking on a lvl 19. 4 more sotd's instantly appeared right beside me
  20. and this is what our main base looks like now, including the new player housing with the thatch roof and we STILL haven't touched what's in the tax bank.
  21. This is what my claim looked like a month ago when it was just me. That was built entirely with a pickaxe, hatchet, scythe and a horse, and that's with almost no fiber on the island and no metal nodes in the grid and enough aggros that I was dying 40-50 times a day. This was done before we even put up a tax bank so don't talk to me about lazy. I'll admit that the claim system works fine for those who want to put in the effort. For those who want shit handed to them, it sucks. 686 hours. You? Wrong. I'm very open to new ideas. I'd be happy to listen. But when I hear comments like 'oh, the tundra is too depressing' or 'I sailed for days and all I saw were red dots so I never got off my ship to look' or 'omg I'd have to train fortitude instead of carry weight'... I have 0 sympathy.
  22. I'm far from mad. I just don't sympathize. When the 'allow everyone' flag patch first came in, I forgot to set a few. Some random guy found one of my claims set to everyone and started building. I had no problem whatsoever with that. But, I had no idea who this person was. If you're going to plop a shanty down right beside my house, I'd like to know who you are. Therefore, I set the claim they built on to company only. But, I didn't demolish their structure. Instead, I changed the notice on my claim to tell this person to contact me, let's talk. The next day, the structure and their boat was gone. I am honestly trying to help people get started in this game provided they aren't dicks. I am not going to start dropping claims and just 'hope for the best.' But I have no problem giving a claim to a good neighbor who's willing to put in the effort. Are their assholes and griefers in this game? Yes... in every game. This game models itself (to a degree) off of EVE Online. In Eve there are safe systems that are NPC owned and then there are claimable systems. In the safe systems, you don't have to worry much but you don't own the system. You don't make the rules. In those others, players claim them, own them and do make the rules. You do not start a new character in EVE Online and then bitch and whine because you don't own a system. You grow some balls, start a corporation, join an alliance and you go TAKE those systems. But hey, that requires... effort and who wants to be proud of an accomplishment when you can just keep bitching until the dev's hand it to you...
  23. No, you have to worry about pillar spam, foundation spam, raft spam, people building walls around your house, bocking you in, logging in every 3 days to make sure nobody demolishes your stuff. I use the word work to imply making the effort as opposed to having everything handed to you on a silver platter. There's a story told by a famous motivational speaker and salesman, Zig Ziglar. He brings an old fashioned well pump on stage as a prop. He demonstrates how you have to prime that pump. You pump and pump and keep pumping, even though no water comes out. But once the pump is primed, the pumping becomes so easy, and the flow of water becomes a steady stream. If you stop pumping, the water goes back down in the well and you lose the prime and have to start pumping hard all over again. Nobody wants to pump any more. They just want.
  24. Because you're ENTITLED to a claim with no tax. Right? Funny, I let a single claim go to a group a few weeks ago. The claim behind them, I own and tax. And ya know what? They love it. As a matter of fact, we go to their claims in the polar regions to collect metal and... get this... we pay THEM taxes now. But hey, they were willing to work for it. I guess that's just not you, is it? I can do better than that. I can show you TWO claims I'll give away and even give you pictures. Now, if you're serious... pm me.
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