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Jean Lafitte

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Everything posted by Jean Lafitte

  1. Didn't pay for it? I paid every single day I logged in with 40-50 deaths due to alphas, wolves, lions, snakes & vultures. I paid over and over again dying from freezing cold because there was no paste on the island where I started and I had to ration what little I had. I paid over and over again, working my ass off, grinding my tools down to a nub harvesting in between the naked runs to retrieve my gear from my corpse. I paid. For weeks I paid. I paid in ways you obviously can't even fathom. And you know what. I look up now at what I created and I am proud of that accomplishment. I survived. No, I prospered. I think back to that shanty on the beach and the 1 claim I stole that started it all, and then look at the 27 claims my company now holds and realize, it was all worth it. I look at the base I started and I am proud that others now want to join me in this adventure and expand on the foundations I created. I paid the price to carve an existence out of a hostile frozen tundra so that those who have joined me won't have to suffer the same aggravations that I did. And if the crew who have joined me were to ask me to pay that price again knowing that it would give them the incentive to join me again, I'd do so with even more determination. Did I pay for all of this? You're god damned right I did. Am I still paying for it? Willingly, every single day. And I'll keep paying for it as long as the crew wants to call me Cap'n. And do we charge you taxes because of the prices we've all paid to get to this point, so that you can come on our claims and build and harvest with ease? You bet your ass we do and will continue to do so for as long as this game allows it.
  2. Ummm, that may be bad advice. He doesn't appear to be very diplomatic.
  3. Free Market - In economics, a free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and by consumers. In a free market the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by a government, or by other authority. Atlas Free Market - My taxes are at %20. Why? Most of our island is at 20%. We went to a claim yesterday a couple of grids away where we farm fiber. I've farmed on the same guy's claim for weeks now. Last week, the taxes were at 30%. This week, 25%. Why? His neighbors dropped their taxes to 25%. Hummm... Free market. OK, that seems to be working as intended. Don't you think? Watch this... Players initially needed large quantities of resources to build bases and ships. This caused land owners to increase taxes in order to profit off those demands. As players finish construction of their initial ships and buildings, the demand for those resources is going down thus causing land owners to reduce their taxes in order to attract new customers to their claims and keep their repeat customers (like me with fiber) from going to other claims to get what they need. At some point there is going to be a market equilibrium (Q). Market equilibrium: A situation in a market when the price is such that the quantity demanded by consumers is correctly balanced by the quantity that firms wish to supply. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply_and_demand We have not reached that equilibrium yet. Now, exactly what mentality are you accusing me of having? A realistic one?
  4. Ah, so you're a UE expert? Cool! Can I have a link to one of the games you created?
  5. Ummm, because the co-founders of Wildcard, which made Ark, were also the co-founders of Grapeshot, which made Atlas?
  6. I don't and I never played ARK. If you want to bitch about how bad it is, it'll be bad. If you want to actually put in the effort, you can collect taxes too.
  7. Configuring company ranks will help with some of this but. # of possible company rank settings: 10 # of possible company ranks: 5 wtf?
  8. Yea well... the dev's for NA created their own set of issues which caused that to flop. Had they not, I never wold have purchased this game and I'd be out sailing my Snow right now chaining pirate wannabe's with my stern chasers.
  9. EVE Online came up with a solution. The owner sets a time window during which structures are vulnerable to attack.
  10. 250k? In the tundra? Little or no effort? What... are you able to access the magic tree and we aren't? Oh right, now I see. A tundra zone that really isn't a tundra zone. Got it.
  11. Correct. It's common sense that a game company would not allow placement of a shipyard in a location where releasing a constructed ship would cause the ship's destruction.
  12. But, how else would you get a T-Rex out of a building?
  13. Kinda like land claims. If you didn't get there first, you're unimportant. You expected something different?
  14. Umm... to translate his sarcasm, now that I get it... Wildcard's method of server optimization is to chase people away from the game... get it? (I love sarcasm... damned nice one btw.)
  15. Pretty sure the weekend outage was a Steam outage, not Atlas.
  16. Yes they did. But we Vikings... who braved the onslaught of wolves and vultures and 0 fiber and 0 paste and no metal nodes in bitter cold temperatures eating berries and roots to survive and STILL managed to carve out an existence... will go down in the annals of Atlas history. or not. Now we'll just bitch about sap stacking.
  17. And to point to another possible reason it 'feels' better: Connected Players: 3
  18. I created an entire post but creating tickets should not be the solution to removing abandoned ships. Furthermore, I'm not sure which would be faster right now, waiting 3 weeks for them to vanish or submitting a ticket.
  19. Three weeks? Seriously? So if someone raft spams another player then they have to wait THREE WEEKS in order to play the game? What's to keep the griefer from just adding in new rafts every day? That solution is nearsighted and unacceptable.
  20. So, over a week ago I had a few homeless sailors in a schooner show up and anchor in my harbor. Two of them, I recruited into my company. However, the company owner, and thus the schooner owner, hasn't logged back in for me to try to recruit them. As a result, I've had this ship blocking a good chunk of my harbor that entire time. I cannot claim it, even though it's on my claim, because I can't actually set foot on it. And, it's not degrading as it's anchored. So tell me, why are there no options for me to sink it, claim it or eject it off my claims? Why should I have to file a support ticket to rid myself of an abandoned ship that otherwise will never go away.
  21. Guess I wasn't clear. Yea, that's what I've been doing. I've had some minor issues with it but so far, no dead tames.
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