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Jean Lafitte

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Everything posted by Jean Lafitte

  1. There we go, I knew you were a jackass. Now, you tell me how to go farm resources to get a pike so I can 'git gud' when I get killed by aggros because I don't have a pike.
  2. Level up? Ok, so I'm lvl 45 now and get slaughtered by a lvl 1. Exactly what good are more levels going to do? Give me... maybe guns? So I can shoot those wolves? And then go out trying to farm and get my ass eaten because I've wasted half my resources killing wolves instead of building ships? Good plan dumb ass. I think you need to clearly define that 'or something.'
  3. There have been numerous posts on these forums bitching, ranting, begging, pleading and threatening regarding aggros. Have they listened to the players yet? No, and there's a reason. They know what's best for this game. You don't. So, just suck it up and autohotkey the respawn button... mkay?
  4. Review that video and then tell me that 'foul mouthed' invectives don't work. I'm done with you.
  5. 1. Makes MANY people mad. Do you read these forums or do you just come here to try to impress everyone with your linguistic prowess. 2. Day one, who got access first? 3. I don't need reason when it's obvious BULLSHIT! 4. I'm not ranting. I'm just putting you and your overeducated ass in its place. Quit pretending like your infallible logic is going to persuade them to fix what's busted. Let me slap you with a cliche': 'The squeaky wheel gets the grease.' THIS nerf is exactly that. (By the way it's argument not 'arguement' and it's whining, not 'whinging'. If you're going to try to sound like a condescending intellectual, and at least observe the spellcheck.)
  6. You apparently need more proof as to how this game works. When I die instantly and repeatedly 20 times because 3 crocs are sitting on the bed on my raft, the only responsibility lies with the devs in making a bullshit game and not thinking. Situational awareness has NOTHING to do with not even being able to spawn. Situational awareness has NOTHING to do with an alpha spawning inside an enclosed space and killing pets. Situational awareness has NOTHING to do with launching your ship and having an alpha croc spawn and instantly smash it. Situational awareness has NOTHING to do with mobs being able to stick their head through brick walls and destroy your furnishings, kill you and your pets. Situational awareness has NOTHING to do with people being able to load themselves up with 45,000 worth of metal and solo sink someone's PVE brig. Bad game design has EVERYTHING to do with is so stop being a fanboy and blaming the players. There's a fine line between challenge and bullshit and this game has so far done nothing but step well into the bullshit territory and this nerf is just another example of it. And the sad part... soooo many players have complained about the utter bullshit on these forums I outlined above yet this streamer, who plainly states that devs are watching, whines and shit changes. Coincidence? Maybe. Bullshit? Definitely. Are they working hard to fix this game? Yes, and I am glad to see that. Is this a fix? No.
  7. Actually, I'm liking it's rarity in some places. While my claim has 0 fiber I'm more than happy to sail 2 grids south and get a weeks' supply. The laziness of others to do the same and their unwillingness to tolerate anything less than a perfect island has given me a nice, lag-free claim. But this thread is about pets... don't try to hijack it.
  8. 4 tames lost today to alphas. I don't think there's any assumption here, I think there's facts. 1. There's an entire skill tree dedicated to pets. 2. What's the point of having tames if you can't even pull them out of the pen... no wait. You can leave them in the pen and they'll still get killed. One of mine did. 3. Personal preference? No GAME MECHANICS... read the skill tree. A harvesting pet is USELESS if you can't take it out harvesting without it getting slaughtered. 4. Request this sort of thing? Are you kidding. A request? That was a bitching rant on the part of the streamer and it DID get changed. You need more proof as to how this game company works? Or you can become a whiny ass streamer who runs around naked bitching about how he can't win. Seems that works too.
  9. What I saw was a disorganized mess trying to assault a smaller organized TEAM and this retard bitching and whining that him standing around doing NOTHING wasn't winning the fight. And this is why tames are getting nerfed? All the bitching about alphas, massive aggro numbers, crocs sinking ships, a screwed up claim system, pve ships getting sunk by other players, players unable to join, and they listen to this jackass?
  10. The devs? Read these forums? LOL! You're delusional.
  11. Well, that's a wonderful idea and I agree completely... just as soon at the 30 odd predators stop showing up whenever I'm out with a tame farming or the dozen odd vultures stop beating on my wolf when I have him devour a corpse for a resource. For now though, this change will make resource gathering pets pretty much useless. My 400 hp wolf will drop to 260.
  12. And I just froze up 4 times in 30 minutes. This did not happen last week... This is becoming unplayable.
  13. I do not have this bug. However, looking over some of the screenshots I noticed something odd. It seems all of them have some sort of coordinate system over the map that shows you which grid you're in. I do not have that enabled on my in-game map. Is it possible to turn that off?
  14. There have been dozens and dozens of posts on this exact topic. Don't you people get it yet? You are being ignored. But there's good news. They updated the animation for rabbits. Soon, you can sit one on your shoulder and get a nice chuckle when an alpha croc bites their lil head off (of course yours will be included as a package deal for the croc).
  15. I'm not proposing a server wipe. I've already stated that. Wildcard made a HUGE mistake with the multiple claim system from the word go. Now they have to figure out how to unfuck what they've done in a reasonable manner. On PVP servers, this shouldn't be an issue. Everything can be lost in short order. On PVE servers? No.
  16. I'm no stranger to crocs. I'm lvl 35. My first house, I built a fence around it. Worked quite well. But on that island, the snakes and other hostiles were few. The crocs were the dominant force. Now, I'm having to look for new land and deal with EVERY type of hostile creature. So it's not like I've spent all my time in a freeport. I know how to run and avoid these mobs. The problem arises when you happen to die, respawn on your raft and a croc is sitting right there. You have no chance to jump in the water and kite it off... it's faster than you. Soon, that 1 croc on your raft turns into 3. I've waited 10 minutes to respawn and they were still there.
  17. I was hyped for No Man's Sky. But in that case, I played it a bit smarter. I waited. And when I saw the huge flood of negative reviews and complaints and how the game could be 'completed' in a matter of hours, I patted myself on the back. I STILL have not purchased No Man's Sky even though I'm told it's done a complete turnaround. To this game, the damage has already been done. The Steam reviews say so. And the only thing that the players have at their disposal to give Wildcard a wakeup call is exactly what we're doing now. Making these issues known so that others don't make the mistake we did.
  18. Ah right... that's where a naked noob gets 10 minutes of play time and 20 minutes of repeatedly freezing to death. And let's not forget there's almost no fiber in those areas so trying to build anything takes you 5 times as long as anywhere else. Oh yea, and those wolves that run faster than you do... they love colder climates. Ever had a pack of 5 of them hunt you down? Now that's some serious fun. You think I haven't?
  19. Now there, you're making a huge assumption. You're assuming I can even get off my raft and even LOOK at a claim's status. I spent 30 minutes... dying repeatedly because crocs camped my spawn. That's happened FOUR TIMES in 2 days. "Oh, thats why I anchor way out and swim ashore." And the crocs swim faster than you do. So, let's assume I somehow make it ashore. Wolves that run faster than I do. Vegetation so thick you can't see the 3 snakes at your heels. And let's not forget the lions, scorpions, etc.. I"ve found at least 2 island that are almost devoid of players and have lots of claims open. Why? The aggro respawn on them make it impossible to even get a start.
  20. Could you also replace the 5 days I've spent and still have nothing to show for it?
  21. Twice today... TWICE... I've tried to land on an island and take a claim. TWICE I've spent well over 30 minutes staring at a respawn screen only to be killed instantly by crocs any time I even DARED to respawn. I have waited over 5 minutes for them to disperse only to be insta-killed. How dare me want to actually play the game. The AUDACITY that I have come to expect games to be playable even in early access. Every game should be 5 seconds of game, 1 minute of staring at a respawn screen. Tell me. How the hell is this supposed to be fun? Your respawn screen looks real nice. Staring at it for 30 minutes until the crocs crush the bed on my raft is NOT FUN! I relish a challenge. Dying the instant you respawn is not a challenge, it's bullshit. Keep deleting this mods. Complaints about the state of the game is just unacceptable.
  22. The whole problem with this game is the utter arrogance of Wildcard. They assumed their shit didn't stink. They assumed that when they coded something in and it sounded good, that it was good. There are SOOOO many problems with this game that could have been EASILY avoided with simple play testing. Getting the code right for all the flavors of computer hardware out there, that's a real challenge and I expect that. Having crocs camp the bed on my raft for 30 minutes making it impossible to respawn. THAT should never have happened. Wasting my breath and throwing money and time out the window apparently. Was hoping for some entertaining escapism. That's not happening.
  23. DELETE from SOD_List WHERE time_alive_minutes > 60 UPDATE Croc_List SET spawn_rate = 0.01 UPDATE Croc_List SET aggro_range = 10 UPDATE Player_Base SET Max_claim_flags = 1 There, I fixed 4 problems in 2 minutes.
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