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About Spike

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  1. I have the same issues with a intel cpu. It's probably the engine? Or maybe they can't code efficient.
  2. I'm not sure it will cook, but the performance is seriously fucked. I got like 30% cpu IDLE IN MENU. Ingame almost 100% and can't play. I can play literally any other game. Even Ark.
  3. They didn't deliver release Eta's for EU too.
  4. Paste it in a pastebin and twitter to Jat. It's auto copied in your clipboard.
  5. Spike

    bug Black Sky @devs

    I thought that fixed it, it was fine for one seasson but it's happening again with any shadow option. How to fix that?
  6. I had the same problem. If you have not spended skillpoints put them in the next skill you remember you don't have and they will show up and you can craft again.
  7. https://prnt.sc/lynvxa I tried every fix in https://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/615086038661431873/ Note that this post is from 2015 btw.... It doesn't work. How do I fix that? It worked fine yesterday.
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