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About Maticha

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  1. In the Grid settings on the map editor you have a ShooterGameMode DefaultGame.Ini Values put : bDontUseClaimFlags:1 Or in your Game.ini put bDontUseClaimFlags:true
  2. Nitrado is just Using Ssh link to allow cluster betwin tiles, its basicly the same things that they are using with Ark server With a linux server it will be the same for Ark With windows you will need a sync tool or to use the windows shared files option of windows server 2008 and 2012
  3. Probably no, they dont even know how to launch a game xD Making special futures is not their cup of thea And since they are using almost 90% of ark engine its going to be the same pain to host private server without big machines, i think the best solution to have a lot of square is having a big big server but lets wait to see the cpu usage of Atlas servers
  4. Its possible you just need to know how, with linux its easy pizy with windows same its working even for Ark
  5. The solution is simple Wildcard should release server files, people will open private server and official server will have less people to handle
  6. There is 25k playero nline on Atlas server, im happy that its not 40k cause Wildcard Data center will probably dead xD
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